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Posts tagged "tech"
Torturous Tech: How To Fix Your Broken Contact List

Torturous Tech: How To Fix Your Broken Contact List

Mobile phone contact lists haven’t changed much since smart phones were introduced to the market. It’s a shame. The average person’s contact list today is clunky, antiquated, and completely broken. From duplicate entries to caller ID worse than what you’d find on a landline, contact lists have not changed while their smartphone hosts have completely...
3 Learning Opportunities for The Non-Traditional Student

3 Learning Opportunities for The Non-Traditional Student

There are all different kinds of learners. Some people respond best to audio, others are more visual, and some are extremely tactile and need to physically manipulate materials to solidify information. What’s not so great about this, is the fact that our education system is fairly rigid. Instructors stand at the front of the room...
How Professionals Maximize Efficiency with Their Mobile Phones

How Professionals Maximize Efficiency with Their Mobile Phones

Ever wonder how the pros do it? Deputy sports editor at The Washington Post, Cindy Boren, “doesn’t play games”. Boren is a busy lady with lots on her plate. To keep her professional life in order, she uses her smartphone to make the most of every moment. Games are out, but apps like Twitter, Vine,...
3 Single Purpose Sites You Don't Want To Miss

3 Single Purpose Sites You Don’t Want To Miss

Single purpose sites are all the rage. It’s funny, because at a time when the web is more complex and full of information than ever before, there has been a return to simplicity. So what is a single purpose site exactly? Well, what does it sound like? It’s a website that serves one purpose. The...