Unless you’re a part of the lucky group that’s always lived walking distance away from work or you work from home, you know how much commuting sucks. Sitting in traffic feels like the biggest waste of time, especially when all you want to do is relax on your couch after a long day of work.

According to a new study conducted by Sky Blue Credit, you’re losing more than your time and sanity while you sit in your car. In fact, there is a financial deficit collected by your daily commute – and it’s worse in some states than others.

How long is your commute?

The average commute falls between 17 minutes in South Dakota to 33 minutes in New York. While that may not seem like an absurd amount of time, it adds up when repeated every day. One year of commuting can be the equivalent of up to 286 hours or nearly 12 full days spent in the car.

With those 12 days you could go on the vacation of your dreams, get caught up on every Netflix series you’ve been dying to watch, or actually get a few nights of adequate sleep. But instead, you’re stuck staring at the bumper in front of you stopping and going wondering if you’ll ever make it home.

Time Wasted is Money Wasted

Ultimately, this time spent in your car or on the bus is time you could have spent working behind your desk and earning a few extra dollars. Based on the federal minimum wage of $7.25, this makes the opportunity cost of commuting fall somewhere between $1,000 – $2,000. You could afford to go on that vacation of your dreams with that money.

The dreaded commute is very much a reality that many of us are forced to face. However, there are various steps you can take to make that morning drive a little more bearable.

While it’s important to keep your eyes and focus on the road, there’s no harm in using this time for yourself. Putting your mind over matter, driving to work can be an escape from your busy life and a chance for you to reflect with yourself – or maybe just blast your favorite new album. However you choose to pass the time, make it worth while so the opportunity cost seems less daunting.