Some of you may have noticed the frequency with which I’ve been blogging here at has dropped off a little in 2011. That’s not because I’m not around! Instead my focus has shifted into building niche sites with the goal of monetizing them with the amazon affiliate program (or potentially other affiliate programs).
I’ve become aware that it is very difficult to successfully monetize a site such as with broad topics and where I simply am sharing my opinion and writing specifically about technology topics of interest to me. Though it does generate some income, particular through the google adsense program, it is not a site I want to focus all my energies into for the purpose of income. I want to continue with infocarnivore with the intention of writing articles around the topics I already do (including blogging advice), and in addition about my niche site adventures. The money I’m making at infocarnivore does not balance with the amount of hours invested in the site.
Build, Rank and Profit
Following solid advice from down under I’ve been working through The Build, Rank, Profit course by Alex Whalley. Alex does a really solid job of laying out the steps and tools one needs to begin building niche sites and making money with the amazon affiliate program. If it’s something that interests you I highly recommend you subscribe to his course! In fact you better do it quickly, because Alex mentioned to me that the course will be going to a member system with a subscription fee (right now, it’s still free!). I’ll let you in on a few more details about the BuRP (Build, Rank and Profit) course with a BuRP review in a new article soon.
My first Niche Site
Last week I launched my first niche site build (still under some construction), and you can see what that is all about at The site is built around the niche of fireproof safes, file cabinets and media storage, and focuses on a few specific brands. At this point I have really only done the initial design elements, and slowly began adding content, so there have been no link building efforts yet. Still with the SEO knowledge I’ve learned through blogging here at infocarnivore and the advice offered by Alex in the BuRP course, I’m already ranking #1 in google for the longtail keyword “sentrysafe h3300 review“.
The key is certainly in targeting keywords that you can actually compete for (and that people are actually searching for too!), and then really doing a solid job of optimizing your on page SEO. I’ve written an article about how to optimize your articles for the search engines, this post teaches you how you can successfully write an article that ranks #1 in the SERPs.
Why Amazon?
There are TONS of affiliate programs out there, all with their own incentives. The reason I’m going with Amazon (initially, with this first site) is because of the ease of implementation, the benefit of having a trusted giant like Amazon behind me, and the simple method with which I can identify and display quality products to my readers. Amazon does have some drawbacks. Low commission rates, and short cookie life are big negatives in my opinion, but with A LOT of traffic, and effectively written sales copy one can build a site and be very successful (I’m confident in this, though you’ll have to wait a little longer to hear about the results of my first project.)
Of course there are alternative affiliate programs that I’d be very interested in looking into and building niche sites around. I’d be happy to hear your feedback and thoughts on niche site development, and affiliate programs that exist to monetize these sites. Please share your input with me.
Purple'S Theory says:
Mar 8, 2011
Daniel, I wondering what you mean by amazon affiliate? I am not familiar. Care to share? as I cannot use google ads
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 8, 2011
Amazon’s affiliate program is called Amazon Associates. They are not PPC ads, but rather products which pay you commission (starting at 4%) for sales. You place the product ad, link, etc. on your website, and sales generated within 24 hours of a click on that ad will earn you a commission. Find out more about amazon associates, here.
Alex says:
Mar 8, 2011
First off mate, thank you so much for the awesome kudos and feedback – its really good to hear that from experienced marketers and great personalities like yourself and it makes all the bloody work I am (still) doing worth it.
Shhh about the membership LOL!
Oh, and your niche site looks awesome mate – really nice niche too – especially because you can play to the urgency and tug at the heart strings with some of the topics 😉
trust me, by the time you are finished with the course, this site (among others) will be making you at least $100 a month… at least!
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 9, 2011
Thanks Alex. It’s amazing this site is already getting traffic and clicks back to amazon (though no sales yet), it has only been up one week, and I’ve made no real efforts to promote it or generate backlinks (yet)… as I’m not at that part in your course! Hoping it makes more than a $100 / month.
Mar 8, 2011
Building Niche Sites, the adventure begins | Info Carnviore…
Building niche sites and making money with the Amazon Affiliate program. “The Journey begins for Daniel, my best student LOL!” – Alex Whalley, Build.Rank.,Profit…
Patricia@lavenderuses says:
Mar 8, 2011
Hi Daniel
Kudos to you with subscribing to the course and acting on it. I am still in the reading all the info stage.
I have another project I have in the pipeline that I am trying to get up and running and then it will be onto Amazon affiliates for me too. When it is all sorted want to do some comparisons of the different biz models and see what works best for me.
Thanks for sharing Daniel and look forward to hearing about your progress in future posts. And I know Alex has worked so hard with this course.
I let people know in my latest post about the course as he is so generous to have given us all his knowledge and experience with Amazon for FREE!
Patricia Perth Australia
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 9, 2011
Hi Patricia. I’m still reading the BuRP course too, I’m only on module 7 right now. But it has led me to where I’m at, and of course I am combining it with my own personal experience online as well, so in some cases I’m a step ahead (in others I’m a step behind, or two!) 🙂 … Let me know what sites you develop, as I’m always curious to see what people are building.
Rick LaPoint @ Internet Marketing says:
Mar 8, 2011
Hi Daniel,
I built my first Niche site around my own software product about 10 years ago, and have several Amazon sites now.
After testing several plugins, I didn’t realize until recently that Alex and I had decided on the same one. Great minds apparently DO think alike 🙂
When speaking of the low commissions from Amazon, that is very true, and you need 8 sales a month to bump the month com rate up to 6%.
But, when you consider alternatives, such as holding product Inventory, Shipping costs, or Drop Ship fees, the “no-hassle” approach does have an appeal. And trust me, I have looked at every possible way to sell online.
Or to say it another way, the less work, the less profit. The more work, not necessarily more profit.
Several of the people I read, which includes you, Daniel, have all concluded that Blogging is not a money maker.
My first Niche site included what today would be called a Blog. That was 10 years ago. The purpose of my daily posts was to demonstrate I knew what I was talking about, so therefore, my Product was the real deal. To say it another way, my Blog was about my Product.
Since I started my current Internet Marketing site 6 months ago, I have been pounding that same drum, and have been talking in detail about building Niche websites.
My ComLuv post below examines the Amazon plugin as it relates to how Alex and I used it to create 2 entirely different types of Niche Websites, and the Rationale behind each type.
I totally agree with you, that Blogging, in and of itself, is a huge investment of time, with little reward. That is where a lot of people got confused.
A Blog that works is a Niche site.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 9, 2011
Rick, thanks so much for your comment! I appreciate this kind of feedback a lot, and I’ll be sure to visit your site (and read voraciously)!
bbrian017 says:
Mar 10, 2011
Daniel, your target market here on your blog is bloggers. I would love to see you using affiliate lights and the blog engage rss program here. I can’t promise success but your target mart is dead on here. We have the most competitive program seeing we offer 25% recurring commissions I can easily say it’s the best offer in the blogosphere.
On a side note I think it’s great your reaching out and trying other options. This is going to build your income levels up as ads will be generating click on many websites,. Also your niche sites will get great income from google because they seem to pay higher on targeted websites or topics. From what I can tell this will benefit you greatly.
It’s too bad infocarnivore is being affected by your other project but her I totally understand the restraints of time.
P.S. if you don’t fill out the check box saying your not a spammer it brings you to a blank page the says OBJECT and when you come back your comment is gone.
Mar 13, 2011
Building Niche Sites, the adventure begins | Info Carnviore…
I’ve become aware that it is very difficult to successfully monetize a site such as with broad topics and where I simply am sharing my opinion and writing specifically about technology topics of interest to me. Though it does generate…
Devesh @ How To Blog says:
Mar 13, 2011
Glad to see you’re working on niche sites. Building niche sites is far one of the best way to make passive income.
I built some niche sites last year but didn’t make any good money. Will going to work start building niche sites again very soon.
Anyways, Thanks for sharing this great post.
Keep up the rocking work man. Have a powerful day or you had a powerful day Daniel.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 14, 2011
Hey Dev, nice new avatar you’ve got there. Looks great for you. Spent some time over at Blokube last couple days, things are rocking over there. Sorry about my lack of time invested there! Been a real challenge for me sorting out my priorities online this year. Yeah, the niche site adventure – it’s exciting – I’m glad to be building something that has value for people. Chat soon!
Nishadha says:
Mar 13, 2011
I have also started building niche sites because they are far more easier to monetize than blogs with general topics. But Amazon program only shares 4% and you have to sell more items to increase it. Adsense seems to me the best way to go about it, although it depends on your niche
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 14, 2011
4% is still pretty good when you’re selling a $300 or $500 product. I simply don’t like the look of sites designed around adsense, it’s too front and center, and developing content for a site that people are just jumping ship from is frustrating to me. I find a sale much more satisfying.
Paul Salmon says:
Mar 13, 2011
Hi Daniel,
I was reading your tweets and noticed that you had one for your new fireproof safe site (I didn’t know it was yours at the time).
I clicked on your link and began to read what you had since I have been looking for a fireproof safe for a while. I couldn’t order through Amazon, since they wouldn’t ship to Canada. So I couldn’t get you a few bucks.
Anyway, it is good that your are starting a new niche site as it will definitely help you to earn income from another source. The fact that you can easily use Amazon with the new site will extend your earning potential and help you to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 14, 2011
Hey Paul, thanks for taking a look for me anyway. What did you think of the site? I know it is frustrating for me that the safes only ship within the US. This is one limitation on a site like this.
Brooks Larizza says:
Mar 27, 2011
I’m still learning from you, but I’m trying to reach my goals. I certainly liked reading everything that is written on your website.Keep the posts coming. I liked it
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 28, 2011
Okay, thanks! 🙂 Keep visiting.