Here it is, the first ever Info Carnivore Contest. I’ve been wanting to host a contest here for a little while. My objective: increase the reach of this blog and our facebook and twitter fan base. While I’m very happy with overall readership and reader interaction on the blog, I’m not as happy with the level of social sharing the blog is getting. I know Info Carnivore is home to great and original content, I hope this contest helps spread the word and encourages the readers that are here to share our content with others. The prizes in this contest are great for any blogger or internet marketer. Win Books, tools, and advertising to help lift your blog or site off the ground.
How to Enter the Info Carnivore fan contest.
Enter between May 27th and June 3rd, 2011!
1. Become a fan on facebook. Follow this link to LIKE Info Carnivore on facebook.
2. Follow me on twitter. Follow this link to take care of that @danielsnyder1
3. Tweet about this contest (below) on twitter to your followers. (Please use the hashtag #icCONTEST, failure to do so may mean your entry is overlooked!)
[tweetbox label=”Tweet about the Info Carnivore Contest NOW!” content=”I’m in the Info Carnivore Fan Contest come and enter for free now %u via @danielsnyder1 #icCONTEST”]
Awesome Contest Sponsors & The Prizes You Want
There are 6 sponsors jumping on for this first ever info carnivore twitter contest and some really fantastic prizes. There will be three winners.
Three copies of Twitter Dummy
John Paul Aguiar of Money Dummy has graciously provided us with THREE copies of his guide Twitter Dummy, a value of $19 each. John is a Twitter marketing monster who currently has almost 100,000 followers and has been listed over two thousand three hundred times.
Free Advertising at info carnivore
I’ll be giving away a 125 x 125 adspot on Info Carnivore. In fact it’ll be in the same above the fold spot as the “advertiser here” BSA ad spot that you see on the top right currently. The winner of this adspot will receive 30 days free advertising on Info Carnivore. Please note, the ad is subject to my approval.
Search Engine Scout
SEScout is offering 2 lite accounts for their serp tracker web software. I’ve personally used and recommend SEScout as an optimal and accurate way to find out how your keywords are really ranking in the search engines.
Free Advertising at iBlogZone
DiTesco from is offering a 125 x 125 adspot for 2 weeks at his blog. Please note, the ad is subject to the approval of
Three copies of Blogging for Beginners
Brankica from is giving away three copies of her brilliant e-book Blogging for Beginners.
Triberr Bones
The guys at Triberr have been nice enough to supply us with three prizes of Triberr Credits. 150 Bones worth $10, 320 Bones worth $20, and 500 Bones worth $30.
Read up on this article if you are wondering “What are triberr bones?”
1st Prize
A lite account with SEScout to track your keyword ranking in the serps.
A free adspot at info carnivore for 30 days. 500 bones at triberr.
One copy of Blogging for Beginners from Brankica, and one copy of Twitter Dummy from John Aguiar.
2nd Prize
A lite account with SEScout. A free adspot at iBlogZone for 2 weeks. 320 bones at triberr.
One copy of Blogging for Beginners from Brankica, and one copy of Twitter Dummy from John Aguiar.
3rd Prize
150 Bones at Triberr.
One copy of Blogging for Beginners from Brankica, one copy of Twitter Dummy from John Aguiar.
How to be a Winner!
The contest will run from Friday May 27th through Friday June 3rd. Winners will be announced on Monday June 6th! Any entries received before 12AM PST on Friday the 3rd of June 2011 will be eligible to win!
Winners will be chosen at random, based on those who meet the entry criteria (that is, you followed the 3 steps above!). I’ll be using to track the hashtag #icCONTEST on twitter to ensure that you tweeted about the contest. The winners will be returned randomly and the first three returned will receive the three prizes in order. Questions? Comments? You know where to leave them. 🙂 Good luck and a special thanks to the sponsors! This contest wouldn’t be possible without them!
Justin Germino says:
May 27, 2011
I am already a follower and FB fan, but tweeted my entry into the contest. I could always use a free banner ad slot to win!
TheEventOf says:
May 27, 2011
Surely up for the challenge – Congrats on the first contest! 🙂
Ryan says:
May 27, 2011
Good luck to all the entrants!
Jane | Find All Answers says:
May 27, 2011
Hi Dan,
I am already your fan. I just followed you and tweeted about the contest. Hope to win a prize.
Gera says:
May 27, 2011
Daniel I was fan on FB and following you on twitter before the contest. Just tweeted and good luck to all.
Congrats for this opportunity with great prizes and sponsors 🙂
Have a great weekend!
John Paul says:
May 27, 2011
Nice work Dan.. hope it goes great )
PurpleShoutOut says:
May 28, 2011
good luck!
Karen says:
May 30, 2011
Already following on both FB and Twitter, tweeted out the message though, always like to have the chance of winning something, good luck to everyone taking part 😉
SEO Blogging | Kira says:
May 30, 2011
This is interesting! Fabulous prizes..
Michael Bolton says:
Jun 3, 2011
Just so that I’m clear, I have to Like you, Follow you AND tweet you to be eligible? Or can I just do one of those in order to be in the contest?
Daniel Snyder says:
Jun 3, 2011
Follow all three steps and you’re in! 🙂 simple.
Ileane says:
Jun 7, 2011
Hi Daniel, I missed the deadline, but I still did the necessary. I didn’t see you announce the winners yet, so I still got my fingers crossed. Thanks!!
Daniel Snyder says:
Jun 8, 2011
Hi Ileane! The winners have been notified. 🙂 ah well. Thanks for trying!
Haley says:
Jun 13, 2011
Really fantastic prizes.It’s so sorry that I check this so late.It has already happened