May 2010 saw the birth of info carnivore. Originally launched as ‘information carnivore’ a blog full of random information, it soon evolved into an information security blog, and shortly after that developed into what it is today. (Read a little more about developing a niche blog.) A collection of inspiring technology articles focused on the topics of social media, info security and blogging about blogging. As of mid January 2011 info carnivore is now just under 9 months old. 2011 is looking to be an exciting year full of fantastic articles injected with inspiration and opinion. I’m very proud of the community that has developed at info carnivore in the last nine months, and am grateful for all who have taken the time to comment!
Top 10 articles (based on pageviews) at info carnivore during 2010, our first year on the web.
10. AVG 2011 Antivirus review.
9. Daniel’s TOP Free antivirus picks for 2010.
8. Twitter guide: Do you tweet more than you should?
7. Block Telemarketers and keep your privacy with Google Voice.
6. Why I NEVER retweet @mashable.
5. China orders foreign computer security software out!
4. Is Google ditching PageRank?
3. Amazing i7 hackintosh build video.
2. The Best (and worst) social networks for bloggers.
1. Defeated: The backdoor.tdss.565 rootkit.
Interestingly enough the most read article is instructions on how to deal with one of the most malicious malware threats to ever exist. It seems a lot of people fought the tdss rootkit valiantly and found a little help through this post here at info carnivore. Proving once again that ‘how-to’ articles are the best types of posts a blogger can write! I’d also like to acknowledge those that took the time to comment at info carnivore in 2010, there are many who left comments (1615 comments to be exact!), here is some link love for the top 10 commenters last year.
Top 10 Commenters at info carnivore during 2010.
10. Paul from
9. Barbara Ling from
8. Brankica from
7. Steve from
6. Justin from
5. Jeevan from
4. Gabriele from
3. Patricia from
2. Lisa from
1. Thiru from
In 2011 I’m looking to publish more guest posts (if you are interested CLICK HERE), and focus into more technology articles. I’d also like to continue writing regularly about blogging, SEO, internet marketing, and information security. If you have any post suggestions or requests please let me know! Some of my best articles have come from ideas submitted by you. Thank you for helping make info carnivore successful!
[BLOCKED BY STBV] Featured in says:
Jan 13, 2011
Info Carnivore Review: TOP 10 of 2010 plus link love for commenters….
May 2010 saw the birth of info carnivore. Originally launched as ‘information carnivore’ a blog full of random information, it soon evolved into an information security blog, and shortly after that developed into what it is today. (Read a little more a…
Lisa says:
Jan 13, 2011
Hi Daniel!
Thanks for the link love and it’s ALWAYS a pleasure to visit your blog. I find great knowledge over here. I hope we have a rip roarin top notch 2011!!
All the best,
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 13, 2011
Thanks Lisa! Appreciate your support… hey, remember you’d be welcome to guest blog again… any time! 🙂 Here’s to 2011!
Lisa says:
Jan 13, 2011
Awesome! Will be pondering some topics!
Tweets that mention Info Carnivore Review: TOP 10 of 2010 | Info Carnviore -- says:
Jan 14, 2011
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by friendlyblogger, Daniel Snyder. Daniel Snyder said: Top 10 articles of 2010 at info carnivore… also some link love for our top commenters! […]
Elise says:
Jan 14, 2011
Nice! Now that I have discovered your blog, I’ll have to go through some of your top 10 articles, they all have some pretty cool titles. I agree with the “how-to” thing, readers love it!
Keep up the awesome work. 🙂
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 17, 2011
Hey Elise! Thanks for the visit and the compliment! I also found your blog recently, and was really impressed with the quality of our content and the originality there. Good job. Hope to see you here more! 🙂
Tristan says:
Jan 14, 2011
Very cool stuff! I’m a relative newcomer to your blog, so I definitely have to go check out some of your top posts.
Quick question: What plugin (I assume it’s a plugin…) are you using for your social media buttons at the ends of your post?
Tristan says:
Jan 18, 2011
Any word on what that plugin is, Daniel? 🙂
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 18, 2011
Hey Tristan, sorry I somehow overlooked that previous comment… oops! Yeah, the plugin I use for social networking buttons is called ‘Digg Digg’, it is absolutely the best social media plugin for wordpress, hands down. Hope that helps!
Daniel Sharkov says:
Jan 16, 2011
Hi Daniel,
You are definitely doing a great job mate! I have read (and commented on) a lot of top-notch articles here at Info Carnivore. The list of articles you’ve provided here definitely highlights some great posts. There are a few I haven’t checked, which caught my attention. Will give them a shot right away. Keep it up!
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 17, 2011
Hey Daniel, thanks for the feedback. Yeah things have been going good here, I feel that based on feedback I’ve been producing quality content – although not at a very fast pace, as life has me very busy otherwise. My monetization efforts are not really paying off dramatically however, as I have yet to land an affiliate commission… I however have not really strongly pushed or targeted any affiliate stuff, it’s been pretty passive. Adsense is okay, but not spectacular either. Looking for some new angles in 2011 and to learn more about affiliate marketing tactics.
Jason Acidre says:
Jan 18, 2011
You really had a great run last year Daniel, and I’m quite to excited to see more of your views about the search and social industry this year 🙂
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 18, 2011
Thanks Jason! Hopefully 2011 rocks for me as well. I’ve been doubly busy lately, and my blogging energy is lacking… though I’m certain by spring I will have a little more time on my hands! 🙂
Thiru@webappdirectory says:
Jan 18, 2011
Hi Dani…
Great to see me at top commentator list. I love the top post suggest by you and especially “Why I NEVER retweet @mashable” is my favorite which has more contradiction than normal view and of course it shows your identity.
Great going Dani, i support will be always with you..
good luck and may 2011 will be blasting for you…
Patricia@lavenderuses says:
Jan 19, 2011
Hi Daniel
Thanks for the mention. I only joined your blog once I started blogging myself in the second half of the year so surprised I am one of your top commenters. I do enjoy your posts. There is lots of variety and some very helpful hints.
2011 is going great for me so far and just got a new look to my blog thanks to a techie friend. May this year be all your plan and more too Daniel.
Patricia Perth Australia
Kavita says:
Mar 22, 2011
Hi Daniel, reading your blog has been very useful to me since the first time I visited your blog. I must say this is the best recollection of a blog’s best in a year in a blog article. I read the number 4 and 6 posts 5 times. Thanks for the share.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 22, 2011
Thanks Kavita, I’m encouraged by comments like this always! Hoping to produce content that interests and helps people is always my goal. Thanks for sharing the info you find here.