I have always preferred PCs over MACs. The first computer I started on however was an Apple ][e followed of course by the Mac Classic. Shortly after that I discovered PC’s and MS-DOS and I was hooked. Over recent years I’ve had numerous debates and conversations with individuals over which system is safer, Mac’s or PC’s?
Mac’s less susceptible to malware?
I think the general perception is that Mac’s are safer, but I don’t believe that the general public sees the whole picture. Apple would love for us to believe that they are dominantly better when it comes to security, and most people think they are less susceptible to malware with a Mac. Is this an accurate picture? Looking at the most current operating systems for both machines (Windows 7 and Mac OS X) it seems that the majority of security experts agree; one or the other there isn’t a big difference. Paul Kocher, president and chief scientist at Cryptography Research is quoted as saying, “The fair answer is that with the latest versions of each operating system there isn’t a compelling security reason to pick one or the other. It used to be that Apple was doing a better job, but with Windows 7 Microsoft has caught up.”
The biggest concern for the average home user is the threat of being infected with a virus. With this in mind I can understand why the average user thinks Macs are safer. Simply put there is not the same number of malware threats for Macs as there are for PCs. Mac’s hold only about 10% of the market share (Some sources say as low as 5.8%), for that reason alone the hackers that are writing malware are investing their time in targeting PCs, it’s simply a bigger market. Charlie Miller, a principal analyst at consultancy Independent Security Evaluators, says “At some point the market share of Macs will reach a threshold to interest attackers, and then things will quickly turn bad for Mac users.”
Thinking of buying a mac?
If you’re thinking of buying a mac (and the reason I mention this, is because I have a few friends who are considering making a switch), then determine what’s motivating the switch and why. You must be aware that you are dealing with two platforms that will always have vulnerabilities. There is no impervious system. They both need to be updated and patched on a regular basis, they both have bugs, and they can both be exploited by hackers when zero-day’s are found.
My favorite quote on the topic comes from Joe Stewart, director of malware research at SecureWorks: “The answer is ‘for the average user, at this moment in time it is less risky to use Mac OS than Windows.’ The paradox is, by promoting that idea we’ve just made Macs a little less safe, since we are potentially increasing Apple’s market share by a tiny fraction, making it more of a viable target over time. Fundamentally Mac and Windows suffer from the same weakness–human programmers make mistakes and users are easily social-engineered. Whichever platform has the most users is ultimately the riskiest to use.”
I think Joe says succinctly what I’ve been attempting to communicate in numerous conversations with friends. Mac’s will not always be as safe as we currently think they are. And the tide is probably turning soon.
Threats will always exist for both systems
Malware will not go away, and it is only going to increase on the Mac side of things. Currently researchers are identifying over 50,000 new malware samples a day on windows systems, so it would be logical to gravitate towards a mac strictly based on current risk of threat. For me it’s just not as fun, tackling malware and cleaning up computers is a fantastic hobby for me. Still nothing beats good old fashioned common sense, if you have some that is. Social-engineering threats exist on both platforms, and if you don’t browse safe you’re liable to click on that threat and invite the malware right into your home, maybe giving away some critical personal information in the process. It happens every day.
An excellent article with more quotes can be found on CNET, PC vs. Mac in Security: Experts Share their opinions.
As well Paul Henry recently wrote an article titled Yes Virginia, Mac’s Can Get Viruses, read it on his blog.
So fill us in, what platform do you feel most secure on?
bloggerden.com says:
Jul 24, 2010
Mac users think you’re safe? PC vs Mac security debate….
I think the general perception is that Mac’s are safer, but I don’t believe that the general public sees the whole picture. Apple would love for us to believe that they are dominantly better when it comes to security……
Vote on this article at blogengage.com says:
Jul 24, 2010
No longer can Mac users claim they are safe, security….
I think the general perception is that Mac’s are safer, but I don’t believe that the general public sees the whole picture. Apple would love for us to believe that they are dominantly better when it comes to security……
HP TouchSmart Tm2 Multi-Touch Tablet PC with Windows 7 – Australian Review says:
Jul 24, 2010
[…] No longer can Mac users claim they are safe « Information Carnivore […]
Tweets that mention No longer can Mac users claim they are safe « Information Carnivore -- Topsy.com says:
Jul 24, 2010
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daniel Snyder, Daniel Snyder. Daniel Snyder said: No longer can Mac users claim they are safe. http://bit.ly/ckmHaU new blog post. […]
No longer can Mac users claim they are safe « Information Carnivore | Webstuffz.org says:
Jul 24, 2010
[…] this link: No longer can Mac users claim they are safe « Information Carnivore About This Post Posted by Administrator on Jul 24th, 2010 and filed under Mac. You can follow […]
MAC OSX Snow Leopard Review | Apple On The Longtail says:
Jul 26, 2010
[…] No longer can Mac users claim they are safe « Information Carnivore […]
Zolex PC says:
Jul 26, 2010
The simple answer to the question is the fact that you stated. Mac's only have 10-15% Market share so therefore most of the virus creators don't bother with them as much. If you can spread your infection to 90% as opposed to 10%, which one are you going to choose?
I do agree we will be seeing more Mac's infections if their share of the market does grow. I think it would have to be a big jump for Virus makers to focus their attacks on Mac's instead of PC's.
I have always been a PC fan for the market share and most business all use Windows.
danielsnyder says:
Jul 26, 2010
I wonder how many malware samples are being collected daily for OS X?
Mark Bell says:
Jul 27, 2010
Hey Daniel,
I'm going to need a new laptop in a few months, and I am seriously considering a Mac. I need a system that is powerful and going to be stable. I know Windows 7 will probably cater for this, but I'm getting fed up running windows update two or three times a week. As you say, as Macs become more prominent, there will be more problems regarding malware etc.
What do you recommend?
danielsnyder says:
Jul 28, 2010
I recommend PCs only because I'm totally partial to them and have a serious bias… It would be fun to have both though. If you are tech savvy and security aware than you won't have any problems with a PC, but for those that 'need help' maybe PC isn't the most secure platform for them… Windows 7 setup properly and a little common sense is my recommended platform!
Lee says:
Jul 28, 2010
Malware authors follow the user base so, as has been clearly stated here, Windows tends to take the brunt of new viruses and other attack vectors.
Over time that will of course change as Apple gains market share, not just in the home computer market, but also in the cell phone arena too.
From my own perspective and use I have found Windows 7 to be especially secure but if someone asked about a machine running XP or Vista then I would probably recommend that they consider a Mac as an alternative.
Not that that matters in any way though because each platform has it's fans and it's detractors – the Microsoft vs Apple debate is a real haven for devoted fanboys – as I have discovered on my blog in the past with certain articles (about each operating system) that generate large amounts of vitriolic comments!
danielsnyder says:
Jul 28, 2010
Yeah Lee I agree with you. I've found it hard to believe how weak Vista is, it's frustrating. This certainly is a popular topic and one that will hopefully inspire more posts. Thanks!
James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil says:
Jun 1, 2011
I started with PCs when it was command-line DOS and have been using Macs ans Windows side-by-side since 1986. In that time, I have had exactly two virus problems with the Macs and too many to count with Windows.
But, as pointed out, it’s largely a matter of where malware makers can best invest their time. Personally, I would never operate either system with out the best malware protection I can find. No one is 100% safe at ant time. As a result of this policy, I have thwarted many attacks on Windows and succumbed to many that were too new for my software.
To assume because you have a Mac Windows 7 or any amount of protection that you are invulnerable is to be heading for an ugly surprise.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jun 6, 2011
James, thanks for your comment! I agree with you completely. Common sense goes a LONG way when it comes to keeping your system protected. Unfortunately many of the schemes are new and well designed to be alluring for people. Unless you follow security trends it can be hard for some people to spot the scams!