I have wanted to write about mint.com for some time as it is certainly a groundbreaking service that enables people to stay right on top of their finances. If you don’t know, the essence of mint.com is that it pulls all your financial accounts into one place. Set a budget for yourself, track your spending, and ultimately do more with your money – the bonus of mint.com, it’s FREE. Most people that are aware of mint.com or are taking advantage of its services know it as a place where one can clearly view their savings, daily spending, and monthly budget items (such as auto expenses and a mortgage). 4 million users can’t be wrong!
Did you know mint.com is a place to buy stocks?
What most people do not know about mint.com is that it is more than a place for dealing with the traditional, day-to-day finances and is also a place one can learn about and buy stocks. Mint.com really makes it straightforward to learn about online brokers and what it all means to begin investing in stocks. Do you have some experience with stocks, no experience or perhaps a lot of experience? Mint.com will simply ask you a few questions about your trading history and they’ll find the best brokerage for you instantly. The first step one must take when they have an interest in investing in individual stocks is that you must open up an account with a brokerage. Mint.com does a phenomenal job at helping you find a discount broker. The site looks crisp and clean, is easy to navigate and lays it out in a manner that one with no stock experience can understand.
If you are on the web for any time at all (particularly on twitter I’ve noticed), you’re sure to be inundated with offers to join online brokers. Though I’m not a ‘big time investor’ I’ve taken some moments to take a look at what the options online are. My father-in-law is someone who is regularly investing and he uses e*trade, at a quick glance I noticed the cost per transaction with e*trade was significantly higher (double) what some of the discount brokers were offering through their partnership with mint.com. Perhaps if investing is a next step for you, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If you’re looking for more information about how you can buy and trade stocks then you may want to check out Online Trading Academy. I’ve recently reviewed their site and found a number of strong student reviews and interesting testimonial videos.
A. Tatum says:
Mar 26, 2011
I really need to use my mint account a little more. I will have to checkout the stock thing. Didn’t pay attention to that. I do use PageOnce a lot on my Android. It’s another good way of keeping up with bills and stuff.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 28, 2011
PageOnce that sounds interesting, not familiar with that one. Thanks for the tip Alvin!