We love this new trend towards graphics that tell you HOW to do something. In this case, it is a graphic from a company named Mommy Relief from the Washington, DC area. Rather than statistics, pie charts, and polls, this new trend in ‘instructographics’ provides visual how-to’s and steps to get things done.
Parents know how trying of a time it can be to get your new baby to sleep longer than 2 hours. There are tons of blog posts, books, and videos on how you might do this — but this simple graphic distills it down to 5 simple strategies. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments!
1 comment
Elena Anne says:
Oct 20, 2012
Great post. I love infographics! 🙂 It is definitely important to begin establishing a sleep routine around that age. However, each child is different and it’s imperative to be flexible and forgiving. This is vital to our health and well-being. It’s taxing enough on your mind and body caring for a new baby. The last thing you should do is beat yourself up over worrying about a less-than-perfect sleep routine.