I found this hilarious, more than annoying. But I’ve been recently spammed by the very people who fight spam. I applied for a promotion with SpamFighter in which by linking to them I received a free license key to their product. A few days went by and I ended up forgetting about it, like a lot of things like this on the internet, you’re never really certain if the company will follow through. Well, sure enough a few days later a license key came in my email. At this point I hadn’t yet even downloaded or installed Spam Fighter on my system, and I was a little busy so the email got buried and ignored. Over the next few days however I got four reminder emails from SpamFighter that I’d not yet utilized my license key. Check that, it’s been five now. It appears they are sending a ‘reminder’ every second day. I can understand how and why this process is automated, the average user would have paid for this product, and it would be in their best interest to utilize their investment. Since I didn’t put any money out, but was given the product, my level of interest in using it is probably less.
However, Spam Filter is a Great Product!
SPAMfighter Pro – 30 day free trial. SPAMfighter has partnered up with Microsoft to build the strongest, safest, and most effective anti spam tool on the market. Click Here
SpamFighter is software for Outlook and Express, Windows Mail, Thunderbird and Servers, it is Europe’s leading spam filter developer, providing spam protection across the globefor 7,164,005 home and business users on PC’s and Servers.
I don’t genuinely think they were spamming me, but five reminder emails in a span of about a week is a bit much! Give a guy some space and some time to try your product on his own schedule. Life is busy and things often sit in my email inbox for days (even weeks) at a time! Can anyone relate?
Well, I finally installed SpamFighter Pro to take a look. Wow! Installation was ultra-easy. I use outlook as my email client, and I’ve never experienced a program that installs and integrates so quickly and hassle free. Impressed. Now to see how it works, and what its usability is like. SpamFighter is pretty self-explanatory, it sets itself up, creates a new folder where all your spam will be dumped, of course giving you the option to look through it before they are deleted. It’s got a lot of options for customization, and gives some good statistics. You can find out just how much spam you’ve been saved from, and even what your spam ratio is.
Obviously important is the ability to setup your own blacklist or whitelist, which is really easy to do with SpamFighter. Another feature I liked is that you can remove spam by language. So you can automatically filter out all those Chinese emails you get. Here’s what the SPAMfighter website tells us about auto-filtering. “SPAMfighter exploits the power of a very large community of people that instantly report if they receive a spam mail. When someone blocks a spam mail, it is automatically filtered for the rest of the community in seconds. In this way, very few people in the community will ever see the spam mail. Each time you check your email in your email client, the system automatically checks your mail against the SPAMfighter servers list of known spam messages. If a message is identified as spam, it is automatically moved to the Spam folder.” Pretty simple stuff, but highly effecitve!
The Bottom Line
SpamFighter goes really easy on your system resources. As such I would really recommend you download it and give it a try. If Spam is at all a frustration for you, this will certainly save you the headache. Although I was a bit lazy getting around to trying it, and had to be motivated to install it, the whole install and testing process was short and sweet (less than 20 minutes) and in the end I felt comfortable with it on my system. SpamFighter has won a lot of awards, PC World, Brothersoft, Computer World, ITSecurity have all recognized it (to name a few), and it is also a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. So, my recommendation: try it today, if you purchase SpamFighter Pro you better install it right away or you may get a few reminder emails!
SpamFighter Screen shots as requested by my friend over at TechMaish:
Below is the screen shot from the main options menu for SpamFighter.
Below is a screen capture from Outlook, showing how SPAMfighter creates a folder where all spam ends up. In this manner you still have the opportunity to look through it.
Spam filter for Outlook and Express. – Download SPAMfighter today. Click Here
Tweets that mention Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore -- Topsy.com says:
Jul 8, 2010
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daniel Snyder, Daniel Snyder. Daniel Snyder said: Would you believe it? Spammed by Spam Fighter. http://bit.ly/bxaudM [A review] […]
How Email Marketing Solutions Help You Know Your Customers says:
Jul 8, 2010
[…] Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore […]
Email Marketing Solutions Content Tips: Avoiding Spam Filters says:
Jul 8, 2010
[…] Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore […]
Guidelines to Consider in Marketing Books Using Email Advertisement Campaigns says:
Jul 8, 2010
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Computer Hardware | GameHeaven! says:
Jul 8, 2010
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Email Marketing – Communicating With Your Customers | Ed Mayer's FTLB Marketing Blog says:
Jul 8, 2010
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Premium Email Comes With Outlook Sync, Mobile Sync, Anti-Virus. | Mobile Marketing Plan says:
Jul 10, 2010
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Latest Buzz » SEO Ethics: A Principled Way says:
Jul 20, 2010
[…] Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore […]
Free Download Eset NOD32 AntiVirus 4.2.58 Included Serial Number | Sarkem.Net says:
Jul 21, 2010
[…] Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore […]
Tech Maish says:
Jul 29, 2010
Daniel can you please share some screen shots of Spam Figher.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jul 29, 2010
Made it happen, the screen shots are now in the post.
Free Download Eset NOD32 AntiVirus 4.2.58 Included Serial Number | Sarkem.Net | All About Free Download says:
Aug 22, 2010
[…] Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review. « Information Carnivore […]
Sarkem.Net | All About Free Download says:
Sep 5, 2010
Spam Filter for Outlook and Express, Windows Mail, Thunderbird and Servers…
I found your entry interesting thus I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…
Oct 6, 2010
Spammed by Spam Fighter! A review….
A brief review on SpamFighter Pro, with a twist. Yes, I was actually spammed by the same people….
beth says:
Mar 24, 2011
You should be aware that Spamfighter will steal every name in your addressbook and send them ALL an email tellng them that YOU approve of the prodcut soTHEY should get it.
After installing this program we got numerous calls from people wanting to know why we were sending THEM SPAM.
READ the fine print. They claim they tell you they are going to do this. I cannot believe anyone would voluntarily hand out copies of their personal Outlook address book. But that is what you do. Then they themselves SPAM all your friends. VERY sneaky and the header itself is innocuous almost no way to filter it out.
This must be some new marketing campaign as I have NEVER had a single friend or acquaintance send ME an email ad like that.
But if you think I am kidding, ask them. I did. They told me you AGREE to let them pilfer all your email addresses and send them all a notice to add YOU to their SPAM-FIGHTER white-list. That is LOW..
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 24, 2011
Beth, that is something I’m going to have to look into. I think as you say it must be a new practice, because I am generally very careful and aware of things such as that. I will be looking further into this issue, it will make a great story if it is true (as I suspect it must be). Thanks for the tip!