There is a quiet revolution occurring on the rolling fields of the Internet, and many experts are saying that this revolution is here to stay. The power of niche markets is becoming more and more apparent as we enter into a new economy in which all the rules are being rewritten. Now why is this precisely? For one, the rapid proliferation of technology means that consumers have a stunning array of choices when it comes to virtually anything that is considered a commodity. Considering this flood on the market, consumers have turned to smaller, more specific brands that appeal directly to their tastes and interests.
In terms of information and media consumption on the Internet, renowned media and technology writer David Carr, recently wrote an incisive article about the rising popularity of niche media sites in the New York Times. In the article, entitled “News Trends Tilt toward Niche Sites,” Carr notes, discussing the recent buy out of TechCrunch by AOL:
“What works on the Web right now is an identity, one that sparks recognition and in the best case, passion among its employees and consumers. Even though AOL paid a lot of money for TechCrunch, it was clear last week that its audience and its writers believed it belonged to them.”
Of course, it is likely that you’re blog is not among a group of popular niche sites being sought by large media corporations. Still, Carr’s article speaks volumes about Internet behavior in general. In today’s blogosphere, successful blogging means appealing to as specific of an audience as possible. Becoming a big player in a small but powerful niche is much easier than being even mediocre among general interest blogs. Having a large following that returns to your blog for information on a topic about which they are passionate drastically increases the chances that they stay for awhile on your site, instead of clicking through. Your audience will also more likely interact with advertisements, especially if they are targeted to their tastes, as noted in an excellent Technshare article, “What Makes Niche Blogging Awesome.”
Of course, there are disadvantages to building niche sites, many of which are discussed in this Pro Bloggerarticle about the pros and cons of niche blogging. For one, you will have a smaller audience by proxy, one that is interested in your specific niche, and you can’t much expand beyond that niche audience. A few other obvious disadvantages are that it will take longer for you to get substantive search traffic, and it will also be more difficult to get other sites to link to yours, since there are obviously far fewer sites dedicated to your topic.
Notwithstanding the cons of niche blogging, the market is unavoidable heading toward a landscape in which readers look for what matters to them, and they look at nothing else. Take these early warning signs of this particular shift, and narrow the focus of your blog as much as you are able. It will definitely pay off in the long term.
Raj says:
Sep 27, 2011
No doubt, Niche blogs are the In-Thing right now. The only issue that bothers me in a niche blog are the topics that one can dwell on – They are pretty much limited. Of course, there are larger niches that have an unstoppable supply of topics, but many micro niches may not be able to sustain the interest of the blogger after a couple of years.
But as pointed out in this article, one needs to specialize in a niche to carve a name for themselves and even to negotiate an advertising contract. I guess one can always have a personal blog to talk about every other topic they want to. It may not monetize well, but just for the passion of writing about interesting topics.
Steve@Internet Lifestyle says:
Sep 27, 2011
Like anything the online world is full of specialists and generalists. So many generalists have entrenched positions. It is hard to oust them from there spots.
FOr people who have specialist knowledge though, it is far easier to make a splash. WHile your top-end traffic may not be nearly as great it is far easier to rank and make a splash.
Ruth - The Freelance Writing Blog says:
Sep 27, 2011
Everyone operates in a niche market to some extent. Blogging just allows you to define those parameters more narrowly or generally. Blogs provide flexibility that print publications or storefronts cannot so your market can change and evolve over time. An interesting trend is the generalist blog that spins off mini-niche sites. Maybe that’s the way to go?
Percival says:
Sep 27, 2011
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Melanie@After Hours Phone Service says:
Sep 27, 2011
I think you are spot on, Alvina. Very good advice for anyone getting started. I also think that sometimes it takes a bit to “find yourself” – maybe starting with something more broad and then becoming more specific as you figure out what suites you. But you definitely have to head toward niche.
Aaron says:
Sep 27, 2011
If you have a niche blog then you can easily stay up to date with the market changes, make your strategy to make a successful blog.
On the other hand if don’t choose any niche then it’s really difficult for the readers to categorize you and it’s really difficult to update all kind of things on your blog especially when it’s a new blog.
You can increase your niche for more exposure, when you receive success in your niche blog as no-one likes to live limited.
Priya says:
Sep 27, 2011
I think niche blog is right selection to start off, as you can concentrate on your selected niche to make your blog much better and build the reputation.
Julie Hayes says:
Sep 28, 2011
Its important to stick to your chosen niche, I’ve seen a lot of blogs that has different topics on it. Its good to target many topics but conversion is much better on one specific niche.
Jane | Problogging Success says:
Sep 29, 2011
Great and right advice. I realized it a bit late. Even though people embrace multi niche blogs, its really hard to cope with multi niches as a blogger. That’s from my experience and that’s why I recently moved my site to 🙂
Jason says:
Oct 8, 2011
Well, I think if don’t choose any niche then it’s really difficult for the readers to categorize you and it’s really difficult to update all kind of things on your blog especially when it’s a new blog.
Jovie Onyema says:
Nov 16, 2011
I believe the one good thing about niche sites is that its just like professional specialization. you can dedicate yourself to going the full length and width of your focus and in that way, serving your target, though small, pretty effectively.
George says:
Nov 18, 2011
Niche sites with an identity has the power to dictate and influence the rest. To reach that stage where you’re recognized as an authority one needs to work with a passion.
David says:
Jan 12, 2012
Excellent article and I do agree that bloggers must focus on niche topics. The target audience maybe smaller but there is a greater chance of positive engagement.
Thanks for your very informative blog.