Have you ever wondered what is the most popular and most viewed content on the web? Perhaps you suspect it should be some deeply intellectual articles, some incredible news stories, some of the world’s most popular entertainers? Maybe you would expect the most viewed content on the web to reveal something about our societies and our world? Though the web is a fantastic place for business and relationships and has grown to be centered on social networking the most popular content on the web still reveals that the internet is primarily a place for being entertained.
What is the most viewed YouTube video of all time?
The top four most popular YouTube videos are all music videos! Is it a surprise to you that Justin Bieber is currently holding top spot with over 472 million views on his Baby video featuring Ludacris? Lady Gaga, Shakira and Eminem round out the top four.
On Digg, what is the most Dugg story of all time?
Digg users show that they believe in themselves with their top four most dugg articles of all time. The top article is basically a petition requesting diggs and expressing frustration with how certain power users are controlling digg. Searches online show that Digg has had articles with over 50,000 diggs but these articles can no longer be found by searching their database. I wonder if some articles were removed or misplaced during the switch over? In any case the top article is now showing 23,197 diggs.
What is the most bookmarked page on Delicious?
It should come as no surprise that three most bookmarked pages on Delicious are (in order) You Tube, flickr and Facebook. You Tube has been bookmarked more than 89750 times on Delicous! Find out what the top 100 bookmarks on Delicious are by checking out popacular.com
What are the most popular blogs on the web according to Technorati?
Technorati the definitive blog directory and search engine on the web keeps a list of the top 100 global leaders in blogging. Here’s the top 5 at the moment.
You can find all the blogs that are in the technorati top 100, here.
iTunes top 5 most downloaded songs of all time:
View the rest of the iTunes top 20, here.
cNet shares the top 10 most downloaded applications of the last 10 years:
cNet shares their perspective on the top most downloaded applications of the last 10 years. Many of the programs on their list however are now obsolete, though they were popular in their day they no longer prove valuable. You can view the entire list of cnet’s top 10 downloads of the last 10 years, here. Here’s their top 3:
Top 10 most popular facebook pages:
View the entire facebook page leaderboard, here.
Top 10 Most Popular Facebook applications:
Check out the rest of the facebook application leaderboard, here.
Other articles you may find of interest about some of the most popular content on the web is the list of internet phenomena, and this timeline of popular internet services. What do you think about all this content? Videos you’ve watched? Songs you’ve downloaded, programs you’ve used? Perhaps? Perhaps you think something else should be sitting on top of the world, share your thoughts.
olddogg.com says:
Feb 28, 2011
What is the most popular web content of all time?…
Have you ever wondered what content is most popular on the web? Most viewed YouTube videos? Most popular facebook apps? Most downloaded iTunes songs? find out!…
Patricia@lavenderuses says:
Feb 28, 2011
Hi Daniel
Interesting list. Not many that I would click onto or watch lol Not surprised about the YouTube popular views. Celebrity crazed youth will have made sure of those stats 😉
Patricia Perth Australia
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 2, 2011
Hey thanks Patricia. I agree with you a lot of this content surprised me, but didn’t impress me.
Looking4 Purpose says:
Mar 1, 2011
very interesting, I didn’t know about Technorati, I will check that out today. You did a lot of work on this post congratulations!
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 2, 2011
Certainly check out Technorati. It is a good ranking system, and important for bloggers to have their blogs listed there… (though it can take a little work).
Tuan@Tech News says:
Mar 1, 2011
Awesome post, Daniel.
I wonder how you could get those information. I just tried to find the most popular content on Youtube and Digg but still couldn’t figure it out.
Amazing work. 🙂
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 2, 2011
Yeah it wasn’t all easy to come by. A while back You Tube removed the option to sort videos by views, still there is a little trick in the system to get the top results with a search. Digg has options on their site somewhere to sort by top dugg, but it wasn’t easy to find either.
Adrienne says:
Mar 2, 2011
Wow Daniel,
That took a lot of researching on your part but what a darn interesting post. I’m not surprised about the YouTube videos either with how popular those artists are. The rest were pretty darn interesting for sure.
I appreciate all the hard work you put into this. What a job! My hat is off to you my friend. Great work!
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 3, 2011
Well thanks Adrienne! Glad to share this content, and happy you found it valuable. Pass it on! 🙂
Brankica says:
Mar 2, 2011
Daniel, this is one of the most interesting posts I’ve read lately. Definitely digging it 🙂
OK, I see many of my favorites are in the top of these lists. Can’t believe Farmville is not number 1 on Facebook.
Shakira is at the top cause it was “hot news” last year but Rihanna and Eminem should be the first one, such a good song. Well, seeing Bieber at number 1 I guess nothing can surprise me anymore…
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 3, 2011
Thanks Brankica. Farmville is losing popularity (thank God!) 🙂 … Thanks for sharing this!
Alex says:
Mar 4, 2011
That was so interesting and insane at the same time!
OK so I am going to write apost about how the power bloggers are stealing all the tweets…. ummm? It worked on Digg though!
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
Thanks Alex! You’re awesome bro. haha!
TJ McDowell says:
Mar 4, 2011
Here’s what I think is funny – I don’t think I’ve seen most of the “top content” you have listed here. I think that really goes to show how “niche” our entire society has gone. My entire media world is full of only the stuff I’m interested in. It’s not like it was 20 years ago when everyone watched the same stuff on the big tv networks.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
You’re absolutely right there TJ. People go on the web and look at exactly what interests them. Something to consider too, with those You Tube videos I suspect many of the views are recorded multiple times from the same individuals… pushing up the view count (I’m not sure if google counts IPs or not?)
Thiru@webappdirectory says:
Mar 5, 2011
Great list of popular collection dani… Nice to watch ur blog after a long time..( i was committed with mah exams)
Great going here asusual..
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
Hey Thiru! Thanks for the visit. I’m blogging less these days (here anyway), as I focus on niche site building and earning affiliate income… next goal for me! 🙂 Nice to see you around.
Eddie Wood says:
Mar 5, 2011
Your most popular lists are great because it lets you start your mind moving “what is the same about all of these” and try to take points from the most successful and apply them to your own blog, video channel, or whatever.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
Eddie, you got it! That’s exactly my thinking when I look at content like this. What is the attraction here. Of course we are dealing with a large demographic of youth that are driving up a lot of these numbers, and they may not be relevant to you and I.
ipad apps uk says:
Mar 7, 2011
Interesting blog post for social networkers.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
Well thank you for that. 🙂
Dana says:
Mar 7, 2011
It seems I different with other internet users since I rarely visit the sites on the list.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 7, 2011
I don’t think you’re unique in this Dana. The internet has so many niche’s and we don’t all view all the same content. What is popular is largely dominated by a younger generation, and will not reflect what other demographics are viewing. I’m the same as you!
Thomas says:
Mar 17, 2011
Hi Daniel
It looks like I need to improve my poker game and get a record deal. That will for sure make my blog famous 🙂 Is there really still someone out there using ICQ…!
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 17, 2011
I don’t think people are still using ICQ but I think that the sheer number of downloads that it received in it’s hey-day put it on top of the charts for Cnet…
Harsh@Watch IPL Online says:
Mar 20, 2011
Wow friend. Seems you have really researched a lot while writing this article. Great work. And you have really mentioned a good point about Digg power users. Same is true for Twitter.
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 21, 2011
Thanks Harsh! See ya man.
Jeevanjacobjohn says:
Mar 24, 2011
Great List, Daniel !
Most of them are obvious ( Huffington post on Technorati, Facebook Application list etc.). But some of them are truly interesting, like the FB leader board and Digg top list.
Anyway, thank you for sharing, Daniel !
Daniel Snyder says:
Mar 25, 2011
Thanks Jeevan! You’re quite welcome. 🙂
Frinley says:
Apr 1, 2011
Thanks for sharing this impressive list. Very much informative!!