Even though you may be fascinated by paper clips that come in different colors, you may not be able to find many people that share your passion. Without a question, if you want to create a viable money making blog, you have to be attuned to the kinds of things that draw the interest of a sizable audience. As a general rule of thumb, if you cannot draw 150 – 200 people to your site on a daily basis, it is not likely that you will make a sale. Therefore, before you start designing your blog and posting, it will be to your advantage to make sure that you can spot and take advantage of public interest trends.
Current News and World Issues
If you give it some thought, there is nothing quite like a disaster to draw attention. Invariably, this attention may also attract individuals that may be interested in cluster niche products. For example, if there is a tsunami, people may start thinking about having extra candles, or other emergency products. This may include everything from first aid equipment to blankets and extra food. At the very least, you can devote one post in your blog to relevant products. In fact, even if you have a site dedicated to electronic gadgets, you can use this opportunity to promote radios with weather bands, GPS systems, medical ID bracelets, and similar items.
Daily Life and Needs
While disasters may gain attention for a short period of time, eventually enthusiasm will wane. On the other hand, there are all kinds of mundane concerns that can send people looking for information at a moments notice.
Some of these concerns include:
- Weight loss and related health issues
- Elder care
- Medical malpractice information
- Marriage management
- Automobile financing and maintenance
- Job acquisition and retention skills
Chances are, if you make a list of all the things that you research online, you will come up with at least a dozen popular topics. In order to narrow in on a viable topic, you can use the Google keyword analyzer to find out how relevant the topic actually is. Consider a situation where you are trying to decide between a blog about marital infidelity and child rearing. Ideally, you should pick ten common phrases that come to mind for each subject. As you research each keyword, you will get a better idea of how much traffic you can draw to each site on a daily basis.
Being a Trend Setter
Did you know that it is downright foolhardy to try and sell products made from real fur? In fact, any remotely moral human being is sure to be offended by baby seals being pickaxed to death, anal electrocution of fur bearing animals, the role of abortion in Astrakhan fur, and the fact that cats/dogs in China are skinned alive.
On the other hand, this particular audience is also known for choosing vegetarian diets and natural health remedies. As a result, you can draw these people to your site with animal rights information, and then provide information about vegan cook books, herbal remedies, and websites where they can donate to animal rights charities. When your blog features activist elements, readers will know that you also take an interest in fostering humanitarian community values. If you give it some thought, you will realize that “brick and mortar” businesses take part in all kinds of local charities and fund raisers to create a similar impression.
Each year, thousands of new bloggers start developing money making blogs around topics that are of personal interest. While this may work for some people, others may naturally be inclined to subjects that are not very popular. As a general rule of thumb, picking an off-beat topic will not be of much use if you want to be successful as a money making blogger. Therefore, you will be well served by keeping an eye on news trends, practical lifestyle matters, and public sentiment. When you are able to balance these three factors, you are sure to be able to create an interesting blog as well as one that will help you convert viewers into customers.
Tweets that mention What should I be blogging about? | Info Carnviore -- Topsy.com says:
Dec 16, 2010
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daniel Snyder, Daniel Snyder. Daniel Snyder said: What should I be blogging about? http://bit.ly/e4Dsle #cluster #niche new article @infocarnivore […]
Gabriele Maidecchi says:
Dec 17, 2010
From my experience, posts talking about current trends and posts that explicitly ask for the opinion of readers have the best chance of attracting a good audience and community around them.
For example, I am seeing a lot of interest around my last post which is somewhat “crowdsourcing” my guest posting policy with suggestions from my commenters.
Everyone loves giving their opinion on their topics of interest, so I think encouraging this behavior is a good way to go.
Atul Vhale says:
Dec 17, 2010
Yes are right, asking your readers and audience is right way to know their interests. But here Eugene gave fantastic ideas what you can write these ideas are good for who are willing to start blogging or who are confused what should write.
Daniel Snyder says:
Dec 17, 2010
I agree Gabriele. It’s hard to get on top of trends like these unless you have the time, and are a quick writer! But I agree! These kinds of posts are great for attracting readers and generating further interest… it’s something I wish I had time to do more of.
SERPD says:
Dec 17, 2010
What should I be blogging about?…
Even though you may be fascinated by paper clips that come in different colors, you may not be able to find many people that share your passion. Without a question, if you want to create a viable mone……
John McNally@Blogging for Pleasure and Profit says:
Dec 17, 2010
I’ve tried posting about current news issues Eugene, but I’m always worried it will be too political. On the other hand maybe some controversy would provoke loads of comments, as Gabriele mentioned.
I remember getting a traffic surge when I posted something about the death of Michael Jackson, so this obviously works. 😉
Brankica says:
Dec 17, 2010
I think (and have experience with this) that it is very productive (money wise) to blog or create a niche website. Everyone has a hobby or a passion about something. If you read a book or two on the subject you will know more than 75% of people does on the same matter.
With right keyword research you can attract a lot of people that are like you and make money on that.
Sheila Atwood says:
Dec 17, 2010
“Therefore, you will be well served by keeping an eye on news trends, practical lifestyle matters, and public sentiment.”
This is a perfect statement for marketing in this fast paced world of the Internet.
Most certainly you are not marketing to people like my sweetie pie who doesn’t even own a cell phone and does not want to learn how to use the DVR.
Pete Carr says:
Dec 23, 2010
Hi Eugene,
As has already been mentioned, time is a big factor. A good example would be a sports blog, you would need to keep up with the latest news and results to post to your blog, probably having to post several times a day.
This requires dedication.
I do believe you should blog about something that interests you, it will show through in your writing.
Patricia@lavenderuses says:
Dec 23, 2010
Hi Eugene
I have a small niche blog and it has been interesting to see the different people who come over to comment. They are from all different areas of blogging.
Even though I get a lot of comments on each post; has been interesting that the two most popular posts so far have been ones where everyone had an opinion 😉
Not everyone apparently feels they can comment on my passion (the lovely lavender) but they can on my ponderings lol
Patricia Perth Australia
Kathryn Pless says:
Dec 23, 2010
Great ideas! I’ve been blogging regularly now for a few weeks and although I don’t have many followers yet, it feels good to write everyday. Now if I can just get some people on there and get them to comment.
Daniel Snyder says:
Dec 28, 2010
Hi Kathryn! Thanks for your feedback. Would like to check out your blog! What’s the URL?
dea says:
Dec 31, 2010
hi, Daniel…
Nice… me also often confuse… what blogg actually I have. I write alot of kind of thing inside it… so when I hv to describe my site… I just don’t know what to say.. lol
tq for shring..tq
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 3, 2011
Thanks Dea. It’s important to be able to describe your site and have some specific keywords you are working around however if you want to be successful.
Olawale Daniel says:
Jun 6, 2011
This is awesome post,
At times when I feel like having writers block, I use yahoo news to get new trends and it really work.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jun 7, 2011
Smart thinking! Yes, I too struggle with inspiration and yet have dozens of draft posts waiting to be written. For me perhaps the struggle lies more in motivation. 🙂 Thanks for your visit.