was founded in early 2010 as a hub for information in technology, social media, search engine optimization. online reputation management, and blogging. Daniel Snyder, the site’s founder, had a vision of bringing the highest-quality news in the online marketing world together.

As the site has evolved and leadership has changed, the mission and focus of the site is now on sharing high quality infographics and instructographics. These two types of content have grown faster than any type of online media I’ve seen (video aside), and we wanted to have a central place where the best and mostinterestingare showcased.

If you are a website owner, I recommend using the search bar at the top to find good infographics pertaining to your niche that you can share. If you are a webmaster or marketer, feel free to submit your infographic for consideration using the ‘Submit’ link.

And if you have any questions at all, simply contact us and we’ll get right back to you!