Drive-by downloads dish out Rogue Antivirus
No click installs... However more recently some rogue security products are being installed onto users computers as drive-by downloads which are exploiting vulnerabilities in your web browser, email client or particularly current PDF viewers. These drive-by downloads are particularly malicious of course since they are installing without any manual interaction on part of the...
Some stats on Internet Crime
In 2009 the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) Web site received 336,655 complaint submissions. This was a 22.3% increase over 2008. The total dollar loss from all referred cases was $559.7 million with a median dollar loss of $575. One of the more intriguing scams of 2009 was the “Hitman Scam,” a type...
Scareware victim speaks up.
The FBI estimates that fake AV companies have already cost consumers over $150 million! the numbers grow daily. Cybercriminals claim a million victims a day with an online scam that McAfee Labs predicts will cost consumers the most money in 2010: scareware. Scareware appears as legitimate looking pop-up alerts warning users their computer...