Passwords are a pain
It happened because people don’t like to remember a lot of passwords. I can’t say I blame them, I think we’re all guilty of using the same password all over the place sometimes for years. Unbeknownst to me, everyone in this company new the boss’ password. It’s the same password he used...
The tricks hackers use, and what you can do to foil them.
Some hackers claim they can teach a monkey how to hack in a couple of hours. We asked two hackers, Syke and Optyx (at their request, we are using their hacking pseudonyms rather than their real names), to give us non-simian reporters a demonstration.
What we got was a sometimes-frightening view of how easily nearly anyone's...
AVG Explains the Different Components of Internet Security Software
Let’s take a look at what would normally be included in a security package. “Basically there are seven typical components of an online Internet security suite and depending on what you do online, you may, or may not, need them all,” Borrett continues.