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Posts tagged "scam"
The States With the Worst Personal Breach Problems

The States With the Worst Personal Breach Problems

From credit card fraud to identity theft and other forms of personal breach, it’s easy for someone to obtain your information and use it maliciously. Many times, you don’t even know when someone has your information until they purchase something, apply for credit, or open an account in your name. Instances like this, unless caught...

Using Windows for a Day Cost Mac User $100,000

windows7_beta_boot_screenDavid Green normally only accessed his company’s online bank account from his trusty Mac laptop. Then one day this April while he was home sick, Green found himself needing to authorize a transfer of money out of his firm’s account. Trouble was, he’d left his Mac at work. So he decided to log in to...

Online scam targest FIFA fans

fifa2010They say FIFA 2010 could be one of the most watched sporting events in history, and it is anticipated as perhaps the biggest sporting event ever! For this reason, it comes as no surprise that it is being used by cyber criminals as a foot in the door for a new scam. Two separate...