The States With the Worst Personal Breach Problems
From credit card fraud to identity theft and other forms of personal breach, it’s easy for someone to obtain your information and use it maliciously. Many times, you don’t even know when someone has your information until they purchase something, apply for credit, or open an account in your name. Instances like this, unless caught...

Why Transparency Is Key for Understanding Data Security in the Cloud
To reduce stress and traffic on their own networks, many individuals and businesses are reaching to the cloud for their data storage solutions. While the cloud offers endless possibilities, it also presents some challenges to data security. Transparency is the key to understanding how data security works in the cloud. Loss of Control Users of...

Cloud Trust Infographic
Cloud Security is a hot topic these days. It may feel like your data isn’t safe when everyone is up in arms, but in reality, the cloud provides an extremely safe destination for information. When it comes to cloud security, the data is heavily encrypted and tokenized so personal information is secure both in transit...

Educational HTML5 Site Reveals The History of Security
Infographics and instructographics are both great ways to present information in an engaging and educational manner, but some of them are starting to feel like old news. Sure, they can be a great marketing piece for your business and tend to garner likes and upvotes on social media, but now companies are starting to go...

Cloud Security – Stronger Than It Seems
It’s no secret that in today’s hyper-connected world any data could be at risk. In the wake of the NSA leaks and the even more recent credit card cyber attacks, it often feels like no information is entirely safe from those determined to access it, but for the most part, despite the news reports, cloud...
Cell Phone camera’s may soon be able to see in X-ray mode
Scientists have found a way to fit x-ray technology in your mobile device. Kenneth O, Ph.D., is the professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas in Dallas, and his team has been recently working on some material that may allow cell phone camera’s to see through objects. A new chip put forward by...

10 Guidelines on When to Give Out Personal Information
Have you ever wondered why you were being requested to give your personal information to a website? What do they do with your information? DO they keep it safe? In order to help you to answer those questions and more, here are ten tips on internet safety and how to keep your private information truly...

Google Encrypts User Keywords
In today’s Internet marketing world, companies must implement a broad portfolio of strategies to succeed online. Social media is rapidly accelerating in importance, while email marketing is still a reliable strategy. The huge industry that has developed around the online coupon craze –contenders like Groupon, Facebook Deals, and Google Offers–represents an increasingly effective way for...
What is the most popular web content of all time?
Have you ever wondered what is the most popular and most viewed content on the web? Perhaps you suspect it should be some deeply intellectual articles, some incredible news stories, some of the world’s most popular entertainers? Maybe you would expect the most viewed content on the web to reveal something about our societies...

How Can I stay safe on a Torrent Site
safe torrent download advice at info carnivoreMany people ask me about torrents, how they work, and are they safe? Where can I find a safe torrent site? How do I avoid malware and viruses when downloading torrents? I spare these people the ethical opinions and legal disclaimers when it comes to...