What is Antispyware Soft?
Antispyware Soft is a fake antivirus program. It is classified as a Rogue Security Application or Rogue Anti-Virus. Software like this is a real threat as it seriously interfers with proper function of your computer, is exceptionally annoying and can even block access to the internet. Antispyware Soft is a copy of Antivirus Soft and AV Security Suite. Antispyware Soft is generally installed through the use of a trojan horse. Antispyware Soft will block all applications unless the file name of the executable of the application is iexplore.exe.
Common symptoms and characteristics of Antispyware Soft and other rogue security programs include:
1. Antispyware Soft is generally installed without user permission.
2. Antispyware Soft uses pop ups and fake virus scans to scare the user.
3. Various antivirus and system programs on the user’s computer will stop functioning.
Removal, Step 1
Recommended removal tool: Stopzilla (Download here)
Download stopzilla by clicking on the above link.
Antispyware Soft is slow and bulky rogue security, so removal is not generally too complex.
Removal, Step 2
Re-boot your XP system in SAFE MODE. (Re-boot, and press F8 repeatedly till you can select the SAFE MODE boot option)
Removal, Step 3
Once booted in safe mode, run Stopzilla and let it work it’s magic.
Manual removal of Antispyware Soft.
If you are unsuccessful with stopzilla alone, you will want to start with manual removal of Antispyware Soft.
Step 1: Stop Antispyware Soft Processes
[random letters]tssd.exe
Step 2: Remove Antispyware Soft Files
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\[random letters]\
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\[random letters]\[random letters]tssd.exe
Step 3: Remove Antispyware Soft Registry Keys
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Antispyware Soft
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antispyware Soft
Step 4: Remove Antispyware Soft Startup Entry
[random letters]tssd.exe
Av Security Suite Removal says:
Jun 8, 2010
[…] Soft. Once installed, this fake program will display. MalwareProtector.d, Winshield2009.com, GrAv Security Suite Removal – AV Security Suite is a rogue anti-spyware program from the same family as Antispyware Soft and […]
Av Security Suite Removal - Ardub says:
Jun 8, 2010
[…] Important never to install any Internet Security suite if you want the computer to actually work, though. AV vendor firewall packages etc are frickin’ poison. Just the basic AV package seems to be OK, though again. I can’t speak r… Antispyware Soft (AntispywareSoft) Virus Removal Guide […]
All Around the World News says:
Jun 8, 2010
Antispyware Soft (AntispywareSoft) Virus Removal Guide ……
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Av Security Suite Removal | Ifdny says:
Jun 8, 2010
[…] Important never to install any Internet Security suite if you want the computer to actually work, though. AV vendor firewall packages etc are frickin’ poison. Just the basic AV package seems to be OK, though again. I can’t speak r… Antispyware Soft (AntispywareSoft) Virus Removal Guide […]
Computer Repairs Leicester says:
Jun 11, 2012
I would also recommend using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in safe mode. Never failed me.