Being Successful on Twitter without Automating Everything
by Daniel Snyder on May 9, 2011 • 6:53 am 25 CommentsContrary to what is constantly pushed on us there is a way to be successful on twitter without using any automation or paying for any tools. In this article I’m going to share the methods and free tools I use to manage my twitter account. I’ve never paid for any tools that I use with twitter. Now I’m not opposed to automation at all, in fact I do use an acceptable amount of it on my twitter account, but the key to twitter success is all about investing a little extra time and injecting strong personal elements into your account. My secret to twitter success is documented in this article “How to Engage others on twitter“. There are many types of tools that will help you automate your twitter account, however a lot of them are spammy or invasive and do not help you present yourself as a real person that is genuinely interested in those who you follow and who follow you. How one measures success on twitter is probably seen differently by many, the first metric people would gravitate towards is follow count, however I don’t think the number of followers one has reveals anything about true twitter success. Klout is a tool some may have interest in, however it may also go only to stroke ones ego, though it may reveal how well you are utilizing twitter and how far your twitter influence is reaching.
The tools, and methods mentioned below are all ones I personally use and recommend.
First, manage Followers manually Within Twitter
I have always enjoyed using twitter to manually follow people. Though there are plenty of tools out there that will assist with this process, and claim to help you find targeted followers etc. I take a look at my new followers once every few days and follow back those that are at a glance legitimate interests. This means people with no bio, no avatar, or speaking foreign languages are not followed by me. Spam bots are often quite easy to detect especially with their generic ‘hot chick’ avatars.
Unfollow Spammers and Inactive Users
I use a webapp called ManageFlitter to unfollow people who have not engaged with me, are spammers, don’t have an avatar, or are no longer active on twitter. An amazing number of people drop off of twitter every day never to return, these accounts should be unfollowed. In addition some people like to take the approach of unfollowing those who have not followed them back, while I do tend to do this myself it isn’t always a best practice. With large follow counts mistakes are bound to be made, and accidentally unfollowing someone important is something one must be cautious of.
Tweet Your Old Blog Articles Automatically
The wordpress plugin Tweet Old Post byAjay Matharu is an excellent tool that will enable you to retweet articles you’ve written as often as you like. Be careful not to just spam your twitter timeline with the same articles over and over again, but the impressive amount of configuration built into this plugin will allow you to set minimum intervals between tweets, maximum age of articles to tweet etc.
Join a Tribe
The tribe mentality is growing, and there are a number of services that have popped up which enable you to syndicate your content quickly by joining “tribes”. The essence of tribes are a mutual exchange of content sharing, you share their content with your sphere of influence, and they will share yours in their sphere of influence. A lot of the services that have popped up cost money to join, but the one I’m a fan of and a part of is triberr. I wrote a review of triberr that you can read, it also includes instructions for joining which is by invitation only. Triberr has really increased my reach on twitter.
Don’t miss a mention, follow your lists, tweet quickly.
Tweetdeck is my tool of choice when it comes to actually interacting on twitter. I’m not going to say much about tweetdeck since it is an incredibly popular desktop application for managing your twitter streams, lists, mentions etc. There is enough that has been written about tweetdeck on the web. The only thing I need to add is that I use it, and it’s perhaps the most effective tool I have in managing my twitter account.
Share other blog content automatically
I use an awesome tool called to share the content of other bloggers on twitter. There are a number of bloggers who I enjoy reading regularly and whose content I believe to be top notch. After reading their blogs for a lengthy period of time I feel comfortable automatically tweeting out their new blog posts. enables you to enter RSS feeds and twitter accounts and set them up with various configurations to tweet new entries as they become available.
Be Bold, find and engage with power users
Twitter is an amazing platform in the sense that celebrities, sports heroes and lay people alike come together in the same forum to share information and potentially connect. I am still often amazed at the responses I receive from famous individuals in the world who actually take a moment to reply to a question or comment I may have made. These superstars wouldn’t otherwise give me the time of the day, yet twitter provides a platform where we can connect. Do you have some blog content that you think a power user would find valuable? Why not share it with that person? What have you got to lose? I recently shared an article with a power user on twitter that got retweeted by them and resulted in over 700 visits to that article in a matter of hours.
How do you manage your twitter account? Are you finding twitter success?
These are a few of the key weapons in my twitter arsenal. How are you managing your twitter account? And if you’re not following me on twitter yet, please do so here @danielsnyder1. To your twitter success!
Gabriele Maidecchi says:
May 9, 2011
Actually, the only thing I automatize is my daily Tweets, through Buffer, and only because I don’t want to spam too much so I space them through the day. The rest is all by hand, like following/unfollowing people, adding them to lists and so on. I think for my use it’s just not worth to automatize tasks like finding new people to follow, I know some program does that in order to reach thousands of people following you back but what’s the point anyway?
Daniel Snyder says:
May 9, 2011
Hey Gabriele, yeah Buffer is great for that! I’m in a habit of using tweet deck to schedule stuff, though buffer makes it even easier. I agree having a huge follow count isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, probably 90% of those with big numbers aren’t even being paid true attention to.
Best PC Utilities says:
May 9, 2011
Very nice tips indeed! I’m downloading TweetDeck and just removed 144 following from ManageFlitter. Thanks 😀
Daniel Snyder says:
May 9, 2011
Great, glad there was helpful stuff here for you!
Bodynsoil says:
May 9, 2011
Thanks for the post, I tried the webapp called ManageFlitter to unfollow people and it worked very smoothly.
Daniel Snyder says:
May 9, 2011
ManageFlitter is by far the best webapp I’ve ever found for that purpose (and there are many!). Glad it helped you out.
May 9, 2011
Being Successful on Twitter without Automating Everything…
Contrary to what is constantly pushed on us there is a way to be successful on twitter without using any automation or paying for any tools. In this article I’m going to share the methods and free tools I use to manage my twitter account. I’ve never pa…
Leo Widrich says:
May 9, 2011
What a great post Daniel,
I really enjoy your combination of some automation and lots of personal engagement in addition.
Especially when you are start out you should manage a lot manually just like you mention! 🙂
Oh and indeed Manageflitter rocks! 🙂
Daniel Snyder says:
May 9, 2011
Hey Leo. I could also have mentioned Buffer, however I haven’t personally experimented enough with it. I for one am hard to change once in a habit, and I’ve always scheduled with tweetdeck despite how much easier buffer is. Change is good, I should adjust!
Kristi Hines says:
May 9, 2011
I just wrote about de-automating most of my Twitter account last week. It definitely helps you feel more “in-tune” with what’s going on with everyone and seems to give better results. The only thing I still do is schedule articles to tweet out every hour using HootSuite. Their ones I have read, usually commented on – I just don’t want to send out a ton of posts in an hour, as I typically read everything within an hour burst in the mornings or evenings.
Suresh Khanal@Bivori says:
May 9, 2011
Agreed completely and I affirm all of those are great tools you’ve referred. I’m using most of them and enjoy twitter community.
I come to know about Klout and love it analyzes score though I don’t have anythinng specific to do with it. My new account bivori got score 44 and seommotips scores 54. I guess it is not bad.
Daniel Snyder says:
May 9, 2011
What’s your new account all about? I’ll have to find you there.
Nishadha says:
May 9, 2011
I don’t automate Twitter that much, I only automate posting my blog posts and I guess you can call Triberr as sort of an automation. As you have mentioned I found much more success by interacting with other users.
Thiru says:
May 10, 2011
Great tips here Dani.. Using twitter effectively is a tough task for more people. hopefully all your ideas will help them at-least a tiny level.
Jane | Find All Answers says:
May 13, 2011
I do unfollow campaigns once every month to see if I am littering my tweet dashboard with useless links. The more I filter, the easier it is for me to look into genuine good quality links.
I have recently experienced a nice “up” in Twitter traffic. One of the main reasons is that I am engaging a lot by tweeting others’ links and responding/interacting with people over @ mentions. The second reason is that I have increased my reach because of Triberr.
Over to reading your Triberr review, even though I am already on it, just want to know if there is anything else I can learn and try.
Twiends Review: Is it a community of selfish people? | Info Carnivore says:
May 16, 2011
[…] I popped over to Twiends the other day at the recommendation of my good blogging friend Suresh who recently wrote an article “The Secret of how I got a custom facebook URL in under 15 minutes“. His post inspired me to check out Twiends yet again, though I’d heard of the service a long time ago I had quickly concluded that the quality of twitter followers one might gain from a service such as Twiends would be weak at best. Not being one to gravitate towards the model of buying followers or fans, I ignored Twiends at that time. Using a tool like that to ‘add’ so called targeted followers to your twitter account is not something I recommend, and I can testify that I’ve had great success with twitter without using methods like that. (Read up here about my twitter success without automation). […]
What Are Triberr Bones | Triberr Blog says:
May 23, 2011
[…] bloggers are using Triberr bones as part of a prize package. We encourage that and we are happy to work with you in giving away Bones in creative […]
George Super Boot Camps says:
May 25, 2011
Thanks for these tips Danny, much appreciated as I am really struggling with using social media to my advantage, which is in total contrast to my missus (@doodleloveuk) who seems to get quite some business from it!
Keep up the good work,
George SuperBootCamps
Daniel Snyder says:
May 27, 2011
Success in social media takes a LARGE time commitment and a lot of work. Join some smaller networks like Blog Engage or Blokube and begin developing relationships there… as you can connect with some people you’ll find those relationships translate into social media success. Also take a look at Triberr. I have reviews for all three services I mentioned here on this blog.
George Super Boot Camps says:
May 25, 2011
Actually, one question I have is about power users.
How would I find one of these people?
Could you provide a quick method for how you would go about doing it?
George Super Boot Camps
Daniel Snyder says:
May 27, 2011
Hey George. I don’t think there is a real art to finding power users. Generally these are the ones who have a very large following but really don’t follow that many people themselves. They may have a million followers but only follow a few hundred people. You can be sure this person is a power user because they clearly have a large audience very interested in anything they have to say.
Rasika says:
Jul 1, 2011
Thanks for the great desktop application TweetDeck it makes this so much easier…
Charis says:
Aug 22, 2011
Hi Daniel,
This is such an incredible idea.I struggle with getting more readers. Do you think I could get an invite?
Edward Polack says:
Dec 31, 2011
Great article! I was wondering if you think its a good idea to forward my tweets to Facebook. It’s an option on the Twitter settings page. The majority of my friends/acquaintances use Facebook and I have very few ‘real’ followers.
Daniel Snyder says:
Dec 31, 2011
Hi Edward. Great question and I think the answer is unique to individuals. I did for a while, but I tweet a lot, and found that facebook was not the proper medium for that much link sharing content. I pulled my tweets pretty quick when I could see that the majority of my facebook contacts that would be interested in those tweets were already following me on twitter anyway… the rest of my facebook contacts were not really interested in the nature of my tweets anyway. You’ll have to decide for yourself.