Social media marketing is a fairly new concept, but one that any business can benefit from. More and more, people are turning toward social media sites like Facebook and Twitter as a way to connect with family and friends, but also to keep updated on their favorite brands and businesses. While Facebook is in many ways still geared toward staying connected with friends, Twitter is a favorite website for business professionals and even celebrities to interact with their followers.
Here are some simple tips for improving your site’s traffic using Twitter.
1. Keep your site URL in your bio. This way, anyone who finds you can easily locate your website.
2. Tweet regularly. The more active your Twitter page, the more likely that people will find you. There are several apps that allow you to write tweets in advance and have them posted automatically throughout the day.
3. Join the conversation. Rather than using Twitter as a one-way advertisement tool, join in discussions relevant to your topic. Link to blog posts or websites that relate to the discussion.
4. Follow people with similar interests. Search for users who are interested in your niche and follow them; chat with them regularly and click their links. They will do the same to you.
5. Add a “Tweet this” feature to every blog post or site page so that your visitors can share your information with their own followers.
6. Hold a contest over Twitter. Participants can visit your site for more details, but make the actual contest take place in re-tweets; this will drive a lot of interest to your Twitter profile.
7. Use Twitter to find guest bloggers or other professionals. They will be interested in promoting themselves through their own channels, allowing your post to get double coverage. You’ll also get great content for your site.
8. Spark a conversation. Rather than just stating your message, ask your followers questions. They’ll become engaged with your discussion, and their followers might come investigate what all the fuss is about.
9. Share other people’s links, not just your own. If you find something relevant to your niche, share it with your followers. They will be interested in the information, and it makes you look more friendly and less like you’re only trying to promote yourself.
10. Be friendly. People like social media marketing because it makes them feel like they are genuinely connected to the people they follow. Be warm, genuine, and helpful, and your followers will multiply.
Keith Davis says:
Dec 23, 2011
Hi Luis
Good tips, particularly like…
“There are several apps that allow you to write tweets in advance and have them posted automatically throughout the day.”
Just discovered MarketMeSuite which allows you to schedule posts – great feature.
Jon Anscher says:
Dec 23, 2011
Great reminders to stay relevant and tweet stuff that’s worth reading!
Joseph says:
Dec 23, 2011
Great write-up! This is actually awesome tips, there’s nothing more important than joining conversation that relevant to your blog.
Anna says:
Dec 24, 2011
These twitter tips are really helpful for increasing traffic in website.
Bhupendra Sharma says:
Dec 24, 2011
Simple message but highly effective, by using these awesome tips, i can Drive more Traffic by twitter…Thanks for sharing..
BuySellWordpress says:
Dec 26, 2011
I think that all these advantages of Twitter can definitely drive traffic to any website or blog, if it will be done correctly. This is a very effective way!
Pete Goumas says:
Dec 26, 2011
Thanks, LuisMasi. Joining in on conversations has really helped out my account. Making everything a bit more personal, I guess, really ads a lot!
milla says:
Dec 27, 2011
i must say that also post content and blog look is important..readers and subscribers will come to you soon or later
Barry @ blogging journey says:
Dec 29, 2011
Useful post. There are simple yet useful tips to improve traffic through Twitter. Special efforts are required to ‘Spark a conversation’ and to conduct a contest. Definitely the impact will be more.
Andi says:
Jan 1, 2012
I had no idea that there were apps that allow you to write tweets in advance and have them posted automatically throughout the day. What a great tip! That’s my problem. I can’t remember to make tweets every day, but one day a week, I’ll have the inspiration to do it, so this is a great tool!
Alex@difference games says:
Jan 1, 2012
twitter is really good way to drive traffic to your website, thank you for show us the right way, Luis!
aishalal says:
Jan 21, 2012
great tips, involvement in conversations is the best way to increase your followers as well as traffic to your website…Thanks for such a relevant post!!!
Tamara Orville says:
Mar 15, 2012
Like your posts. It hones in on what your readership finds interesting.
Charles Blakeney says:
Apr 18, 2012
Great inside to driving more traffic to a site. With step number six does anyone have some simple ideas to generate a good contest? Your blog was recommended by Michael Ullman. Thanks for the tips which reinforce steps I’ve been taught.
Laurent says:
May 13, 2012
I believe step number 9 is one of the most important in the list. People who only tweet about what they are writing show who they really are : you have to remember that sharing your knowledge is what makes Twitter so great !