Over the past several years, health care coverage has become a hot topic as millions are left without coverage, families are struggling to meet their monthly insurance payments, and others are furious over the rising cost of the medicines they rely on. President Obama made it one of his top priorities while in office to come up with a solution to the issue. During his term, steps have been made towards making health care accessible to all American citizens. However, there are still major flaws in the system that need to be addressed.
The purpose of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was pretty obvious: to make health care affordable to everyone across the US. However, in 2015 (five years after the ACA was signed into law) there were still 33 million Americans that were uninsured. Unfortunately, a large number of those without coverage were minorities (read more). This is not to say that the ACA was unsuccessful in providing coverage to more citizens. ObamaCare was a big step in the right direction, but there is no denying the fact that our country continues to struggle with the health industry. After seeing the recent election results, many people are anxious to know what will happen to their insurance now. President-Elect Donald Trump has made it pretty clear that he has plans to repeal the ACA.
Though it is not clear exactly what Trump has planned for our health care programs, Americans are hoping for a solution that will relieve the stress associated with selecting a health insurance plan. With the current prices for insurance coverage, many people are having to opt out of coverage in the hopes that nothing will happen to their health. Some are relying on their lifestyle choices to protect them from illnesses, which is not always a guaranteed way to keep you out of the hospital (read more).
The cost of insurance is not the only matter in question with our health care system. The exorbitant prices of prescription drugs and hospital visits are areas of contention with Americans as well. In fact, drugs have gotten so expensive that many people are attempting to get their medications from other countries.
With the upcoming changes to the White House, many people are wondering if they can push their plans to buy health insurance back, however, it is important to maintain your coverage. Due to the overwhelming cost of health coverage, hospital visits, and prescription drugs it’s important to really sit down and weigh your options. The deadline for ObamaCare registration passed on December 19th, but there are still other ways to maintain your insurance coverage without completely breaking the bank. Do some research and look at companies like Health Insurance Innovations which offer affordable health care plans. If your research is not yielding the results you want, check out this guide to choosing health insurance.