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Posts tagged "mcafee"

McAfee: Anthem

McAfee released this 'anthem' video on May 27, 2010. It is really well done. And raises some very valid points on the current rise in cyber crime. Of course it really is just an advertisement... still entertaining though.'s everything. Did you know that today, McAfee protects the world largest banks, governments,...

Not all antivirus software is created equal

If you think all antivirus software is created equal think again. I'm consistently surprised by how many people I meet and talk with that just use whatever antivirus software comes their way. This morning I was talking with an individual and as I do, I asked him what product he was using. ...

Scareware victim speaks up.

The FBI estimates that fake AV companies have already cost consumers over $150 million! the numbers grow daily. Cybercriminals claim a million victims a day with an online scam that McAfee Labs predicts will cost consumers the most money in 2010: scareware. Scareware appears as legitimate looking pop-up alerts warning users their computer...