Big Banks force Weak Security on Members
Do you bank online? Your account may not be as secure as you'd like to think it is! The other day I was setting up my online account for my television cable provider and was asked to select a password. As I normally do I created a unique complex password for the...
Safe password Management, better than sticky notes.
Password security is a favorite topic of mine, and one I've written numerous posts on. Today I thought I'd deal with the topic of password management. If you're active on the web you'll likely have a lot of accounts all over the place from things like facebook and twitter, to your bank and...
Identity Theft and Password Security.
Identity theft and password security. [infographic]
Passwords: Brute Force Attack on You
We've previously discussed guess attacks and dictionary attacks on your passwords. And we've determined now that password security is of the utmost importance. Just today I repaired a machine for a customer and their Vista login password was an old phone number of theirs. Seven digits that could easily be found with...
Passwords: Dictionary Attacks
dictionary attack password hack guess passwordHackers may already know your password. In a previous post, I wrote about guess attacks by hackers on your password. In this brief post I'm going to write about another method that an attacker could use to get your password. So by now, you've already made the...
Hackers may already know your password
Could you imagine, hackers may already know your password. Are you the type of person that uses the same password on facebook as you do for your online banking? Password security is very important. More important than most people seem to realize. How might a hacker know my password you ask? ...
Passwords are a pain
It happened because people don’t like to remember a lot of passwords. I can’t say I blame them, I think we’re all guilty of using the same password all over the place sometimes for years. Unbeknownst to me, everyone in this company new the boss’ password. It’s the same password he used...