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Posts tagged "twitter"

Twitter Etiquette for bloggers, Part 2

My first article on twitter etiquette for bloggers was really well received, I got a lot of feedback with additional input and other schools of thought. The topic of thought has been regarding self promotion of our own blog posts on twitter. How often is too often (or not often enough) to tweet...

Twitter etiquette for bloggers

As I spend a lot of time on twitter, my thoughts often wander to proper twitter etiquette. I have questions of my own of course, grey areas where I wonder what the fine line is between attracting more followers and pushing followers away. There are of course some rules of thumb that it would be...

Anti-Virus Companies worth following on Twitter

Want to stay in the loop regarding current global happenings in the computer security industry? Here's a collection of anti-virus companies worth following on twitter. This entire list can be followed here at malwareaware on twitter. This list will be updated regularly and relevant accounts added as they are found. All these...

Twitter, why tweet? Why YOU should join the twittersphere.

It's been proving difficult to hook Canadians on twitter. Apparently more than 85% of the population has heard of twitter, but less than 5% have actually joined. Right now twitter is reporting more than 41 million users. So why should YOU join the twittersphere? Twitter is unique. It's not like other social networking sites. ...

Twitter Is About News, Not Social Media

Researchers say that the site is set up like a traditional news media outlet and can’t be defined as a social network. by Anton Gonsalves (original article posted on Information Week, May 5, 2010) Twitter has evolved into a major distributor of timely information, as opposed to a social network, making the microblogging site an...