Where to Score The Best Prices on Brunch
If you ask me what my favorite meal of the day is, it’s a tough choice between breakfast and lunch. Luckily though there exists a fantastic meal that bridges the gap between these meal time powerhouses, you guessed it, it’s brunch! Brunch is amazing, waffles, chicken, mimosas, anything goes! But which cities give you the...

Four Pro Tips for Travelers
Traveling across the globe is an experience of a lifetime. Whether you’re going to visit family or exploring the tourist destination of your dreams, simply getting out of your hometown can be refreshing. But before you begin checking off items on your itinerary, you have to get there. Some people find flying therapeutic, but for...

“It’s Not Me, it’s You…” When to Sack a Client.
We all know that feeling of dread, when a client seems to be moving the goalposts, or when a project just doesn’t seem to be coming together. How do you know when it’s time to cut your losses on a project and tell a client that the deal is off? They don’t understand your skillset...

New Discoveries, The Google Dance and an Oil Change
info carnivoreI want to say thank you to my regular Info Carnivore readers, you've made this ride a real pleasure. The beginning of May came and went and I barely noticed that the one year anniversary of Info Carnivore has come and gone. This blog has gone through a lot of changes in...

Stop the CRTC from allowing Internet Metering in Canada
In Canada Internet providers are attempting to monopolize the market, and raise the price of residential high-speed internet access. Providers such as Telus (in Alberta and British Columbia), Bell (in Ontario and Quebec) and Shaw are looking to put a cap on our home internet usage, meter everything you do online and charge you...

Visions Electronics Review, A Canadian Buying Experience
Though you may not be a Canadian, or may never have plans of buying at Visions Electronics you may still enjoy reading this story and sharing your feedback and retail electronics buying experiences with our readers. I recently purchased a new HD TV at Visions Electronics a Canadian electronics retailer. The experience was interesting to...
Getting Back in the Blogging Flow
The past month has been a hectic one for myself, and culminated in a physical move to a new (and much better) house for me and my family. Some of my faithful info carnivore readers may have noticed a decline in my web presence and published articles to the blog. I hope you...

China orders foreign computer security software out!
Communist China continues to go to extremes and has ordered its banks and other major companies to limit the use of computer security software developed outside of China. That means popular antivirus vendors will lose existing and potential business inside mainland China, and setting up an impending trade clash with the USA and Europe....
How long can I browse the web with no antivirus protection?
Maybe you've heard of them running a car with no oil to see how long it takes for the engine to seize? (Normally bets are taken and whoever guesses the closest time, wins.) Well how long can I browse the web without any antivirus protection whatsoever (on a PC) before I get infected?...
Why do people Pay for Antivirus protection?
I stumbled across a Norton advertisement the other day in which they describe themselves as the "Best selling antivirus software in the world". Why is that do you think? I would suspect that because they have successfully marketed their product so well, and pre-loaded 'free-trial' versions onto virtually every machine on the planet,...