info carnivoreI want to say thank you to my regular Info Carnivore readers, you’ve made this ride a real pleasure. The beginning of May came and went and I barely noticed that the one year anniversary of Info Carnivore has come and gone. This blog has gone through a lot of changes in its first year, and yet it will continue to evolve, develop and grow. This past week I determined to build and stick to a publishing schedule, my goal is to publish new content at least three times a week. Monday’s I intend to release a resource article that provides advice, information or how-to relating to the primary niche areas of the blog (Blogging, SEO, Keywords, Ranking, Security, and Social Media), Wednesdays will most likely be for guest posts, I’ve been receiving a lot of requests and submissions for guest articles but I don’t want to publish more than one a week. With my readership up and traffic continuing to grow Info Carnivore could also be a great place for you to submit a guest article. On Friday’s I plan to release content as well, most likely an opinion piece or a review of sorts. Occasionally on Saturday’s I will publish my own version of the ever popular round up article, featuring news and posts of the week. That’s what this article is!

WordPress Database Error (MySQL error 28) thanks Friday the 13th

My apologies to anyone who saw the ugly wordpress database error that was up on this past Friday the 13th (coincidence?). I logged into my dashboard early Friday morning only to discover this error message, “WordPress database error: [Got error 28 from storage engine]”. The MySQL error caused me to panic and threw off my brand new publishing schedule. I logged into cpanel and repaired all MySQL tables but the issue still did not resolve. I ended up submitting a support ticket to my host (Dreamhost) who replied about 5 hours later with a resolution, “It looks like there was an issue with the database server. I had an admin reboot it and the error should no longer appear.” The above Friday the 13th experience goes to inform anyone else with the MySQL error 28 that it may most likely be your host and not you. Since the MySQL database for info carnivore is on a shared server an admin at Dreamhost had to reboot that server. Issue resolved, first week publishing schedule… trashed.

Upcoming Info Carnivore Contest – LIKE the fanpage!

I plan on hosting a contest at this blog in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for details. I’m currently looking for some worthwhile prizes and sponsors. (PS. If you have a product you’d like to promote this could be your opportunity!) The contest will be nothing too complicated, more of a LIKE us on facebook and RETWEET this to win type of contest. Stay tuned for details. Speaking of the Info Carnivore fan page, if you’re not a fan yet why not become one? I use the fan page to publish some really unique (and actually interesting) minutiae and web discoveries. I’ve not been satisfied with the amount of fan interaction on the FB page, so I hope to be a little more active and creative over there in the coming days. Why not get a head start on the contest and jump over to our fan page now!

Discoveries of the Week

James Pruitt IM Relationships BlogRecently I’ve spent some time over at IM Relationships the blog of James Pruitt where he has been sharing some really interesting SEO and link building articles. His article the Top 5 Best Link Building Methods You Should be Using provides some solid fundamental information for those who are looking to build new links for their blog or niche sites. His previous article however was perhaps even more informative (for me) when he threw out the 5 Worst Link Building Activities. This article sparked some good conversation as James and I discussed the topic of how fast should one build links, which also turned into a conversation about the Google Dance. If you are unfamiliar with the Google dance, you can read James’ article on Overcoming the Google Dance and How it factors into your rankings. I too have experienced the symptoms of the google dance with my niche sites (I’m still experiencing them) and it is an interesting topic for discussion. I’ve also written about my opinions on what some call the “Google Honeymoon Period” and speculating whether the so called honeymoon exists as part of the google algorithm.

ditesco i blog zoneAnother blog I’ve been perusing regularly is iBlogZone Home Based Business Resources by DiTesco. In a recent article DiTesco answers the burning question “How To Build High Quality Websites” clearly and concisely. With the Google Panda update there is that growing awareness that the only thing that matters is quality. DiTesco provides us with the information we need straight from google that will insure that the way we present our content is “panda friendly”. As DiTesco puts it “It is now all about โ€œqualityโ€. Quality content, quality links, quality websites, quality navigational structure, and so on. Come to think of it, was this ever really an issue?”

Tony Hastings at The Top 10 Blog is a new discovery for me. How he locked up that domain name I have no idea, but Tony writes about the Social Media journey and shares his Top Twitter Lists weekly which is a great way to find some valuable people on twitter that are actually worth following. Tony provides enjoyable content with a unique way of viewing things, just take for example his recent article “Does your blog need an oil change?” Where he makes the analogy of thinking about your blog the way you maintain your car.


Thanks for your loyal readership. Stick with us as Info Carnivore continues to grow. I look forward to your input, my readers are important to me and the content on this blog is crafted to meet your interests. If there is content you’d like to see please let me know, I do my best to write articles around any suggestions I receive.