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Survey reveals America’s “house rules” for beer pong

Survey reveals America’s “house rules” for beer pong

Think back a little bit to when you first started drinking and going to parties. Often times that meant getting together with your friends, trying to round up some alcohol, and heading over to someone’s house (who you may or may not know). Once there you might spread out or you might just hang with...
Study analyzes an entertaining ‘what-if’: Solar powered states

Study analyzes an entertaining ‘what-if’: Solar powered states

It seems that we’re living in a technology revolution that has no signs of stopping. Each day new advancements are being made in a variety of industries. One of these is the energy industry. Greenshine New Energy, a California-based company that specializes in development and manufacturing of solar powered lighting systems, recently published a new...
Here are the stats and figures on musician’s “retirement” tours

Here are the stats and figures on musician’s “retirement” tours

Retirement is something that most people look forward to in the working world. It’s the closing of one of the biggest chapters of a person’s life and it marks the start of a new one. But, when it comes to musicians retiring, there’s much more than well-wishes, cards, and cake. For a musician’s retirement, there...
Graphics reveal the most popular cheeses in each state

Graphics reveal the most popular cheeses in each state

Now look, I’m not a cheese guy and I’ll admit it when pressed. It’s a taste thing. I don’t like to admit it because it often means I get the questions of, “How can you not like cheese?!?” and the statements, “Well, we can’t be friends.” It’s something I’ve grown to accept in my life...
Powering America: Graphics show the trends in energy production and consumption

Powering America: Graphics show the trends in energy production and consumption

Sometimes we take simple things in life for granted, like flipping on a lightswitch and having the power immediately turn on. When you stop and think about it, it’s truly a feat that in a country the size of the United States (with over 323 million people) we can enjoy such things like consistent electricity....

Most Popular Home Renovations in the U.S.

It seems that you can’t turn on the television these days without stumbling upon a home renovation show. It’s easy to believe you can be a home renovation connoisseur after watching countless episodes of Fixer Upper and Flip or Flop and seeing home transformations unfold, often wondering to yourself if you could carry them out...
6 Ways Small Businesses Find Big Ideas

6 Ways Small Businesses Find Big Ideas

The world is changing quicker than ever before and small businesses today need to take advantage of new products, services, marketing channels and tools – or risk getting left behind. Yet even the most agile of company owners can be plagued by this simple question: “How do I get the best new ideas for growing...