Why Transparency Is Key for Understanding Data Security in the Cloud
To reduce stress and traffic on their own networks, many individuals and businesses are reaching to the cloud for their data storage solutions. While the cloud offers endless possibilities, it also presents some challenges to data security. Transparency is the key to understanding how data security works in the cloud. Loss of Control Users of...
Cell Phone camera’s may soon be able to see in X-ray mode
Scientists have found a way to fit x-ray technology in your mobile device. Kenneth O, Ph.D., is the professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas in Dallas, and his team has been recently working on some material that may allow cell phone camera’s to see through objects. A new chip put forward by...

10 Guidelines on When to Give Out Personal Information
Have you ever wondered why you were being requested to give your personal information to a website? What do they do with your information? DO they keep it safe? In order to help you to answer those questions and more, here are ten tips on internet safety and how to keep your private information truly...

Google Encrypts User Keywords
In today’s Internet marketing world, companies must implement a broad portfolio of strategies to succeed online. Social media is rapidly accelerating in importance, while email marketing is still a reliable strategy. The huge industry that has developed around the online coupon craze –contenders like Groupon, Facebook Deals, and Google Offers–represents an increasingly effective way for...

Why would anyone want to hack my car?
car hacking, hack, target, cars, autoYour car could well be the next target for hackers... or is it? Why would anyone want to hack your car anyway? This past summer has seen numerous articles on the new threat of car hacking "the crime of the future"... The threat is simple, someone doesn't like...

China orders foreign computer security software out!
Communist China continues to go to extremes and has ordered its banks and other major companies to limit the use of computer security software developed outside of China. That means popular antivirus vendors will lose existing and potential business inside mainland China, and setting up an impending trade clash with the USA and Europe....

Big Banks force Weak Security on Members
Do you bank online? Your account may not be as secure as you'd like to think it is! The other day I was setting up my online account for my television cable provider and was asked to select a password. As I normally do I created a unique complex password for the...
Kaspersky agrees, here comes Microsoft
eugene kaspersky
In my most recent post: "MSE about to become major player in Antivirus solutions", I discussed the looming changes that are taking place in the antivirus industry as Microsoft Security Essentials begins to gain recognition and prominence. Shortly after writing that post I got some feedback as well as stumbled upon a few...
Some stats on Internet Crime
In 2009 the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) Web site received 336,655 complaint submissions. This was a 22.3% increase over 2008. The total dollar loss from all referred cases was $559.7 million with a median dollar loss of $575. One of the more intriguing scams of 2009 was the “Hitman Scam,” a type...