stop flooding your twitter followersFor all the love I have for Twitter, it was a tough struggle to find out how this amazing service will give me both joy, but doesn’t consume all my day’s time. Playing around with it and testing many tools, has finally helped me to come to a sustainable and healthy usage of this service. If you have ever had a similar issue, please read on now.

Doesn’t work: Putting my Twitter account on a blast

There were several approaches I tried. One was tweeting blog posts automatically as they were posted by bloggers or as I discovered them. This put my twitter account on “blast mode”, overwhelming my followers with way more information than they could bear.

Doesn’t work: Spending hours and hours on Twitter

Another one was spending hours and hours on Twitter posting the great posts I read, manually. So they are well spread out over the day. Not quite the right thing either as you can imagine.

Does Work: Buffering my tweets out

For several weeks I have now started using a new Tool called Buffer which finally allows me to breathe a little easier. You simply throw a few tweets in your Buffer and the App in return schedules these tweets for you throughout the day. That’s it. This allows you to tweet more frequently, however at well spaced out times during the day so your followers can catch up one tweet at a time.

The power of the Twitter Buffer

The full power of Buffer comes into play when you start using what I like to call it’s “Killer” feature. It is that in addition to the web App, it also comes with a browser extension (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). This means you can add tweets to your Buffer from ANY page you are on.

Give it one click on the Buffer icon and this is what happens:

twitter buffer tweet scheduler

By default you get the title and the short URL

Timing of your Tweets

By default your Buffered Tweets will be sent out at Twitter Peak times. Of course you can go back to your home account at and change these times to your needs.

Analytics for your Tweets

Another feature that comes in very handy is that once your tweets are sent via Buffer, you can go back and see how well they did. How many Clicks, Retweets and Reach have your tweets achieved? Buffer will tell you:

twitter buffer tweet scheduler

See Clicks, Reteets and Reach


Using Buffer has made my life a whole lot easier. I can add all these great posts in at one point, jump in for the interaction and engagement and won’t be spamming my followers timeline. It is definitely something worth checking out. Of course it won’t be possible to use it instead of your favourite Twitter client, but it certainly enhances your experience. What is your take on Buffer? Let me know below, would love to connect with you.