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Planning a Proposal? These Graphics Will Help

Planning a Proposal? These Graphics Will Help

So you’re feeling pretty settled and happy with that special someone and you’re now ready to ask the question and are hoping for an excited Yes! in response. You’ve thought it over and you know when, where, and how you’re going to ask. First things first though, you need to buy a ring, but how...

Expert Green Living Advice

Besides recycling and reusing, many of us have no idea how to “go green”. Ten green-living experts shared their best advice for living a more eco-friendly lifestyle with EmPower Solar. The advice is highlighted in the infographic below. You can find more of their green living tips by reading their full interviews.
Post-Service Veterans: A Look at How They Fare

Post-Service Veterans: A Look at How They Fare

American veterans are individuals to be revered and admire. They give their time, and oftentimes lives, to protect our country and our freedoms. While coming home for many veterans post-service can be a somewhat smooth acclimation back into everyday life, it’s not as easy of a road for numerous others. Veterans face things like PSTD, an increased risk...
How to: Stop flooding your twitter followers timeline

How to: Stop flooding your twitter followers timeline

stop flooding your twitter followersFor all the love I have for Twitter, it was a tough struggle to find out how this amazing service will give me both joy, but doesn't consume all my day's time. Playing around with it and testing many tools, has finally helped me to come to a sustainable and healthy...