Glassboard, an iPhone application from Sepia Labs, is everything that Facebook or Twitter is not. The only similarity is that like Facebook and Twitter, Glassboard is a social media tool. The main idea behind Glassboard is privacy. While Facebook and Twitter are configured to host frantic socializing which many times can breach privacy, Glassboard users...
google and apple movementI remember the last week of October in 2010: there was a flurry around the office when we discovered that Google had merged place results with organic search results. I sat down and wrote an article about it right away. This change was actually really good news for our company and our...
I was recently wasting some time on my favorite iphone game, unblockme, and having some serious difficulty passing a level... one of those ones that nags at you, and you just can't stop till you get it. The simple object of the game is to free the blocked in red block from the puzzle...
Tip #8 … this is my best tip yet! You’ll have to watch the video to find out what it is.