Spammed by SpamFighter! A review.
I found this hilarious, more than annoying. But I've been recently spammed by the very people who fight spam. I applied for a promotion with Spam Fighter in which by linking to them I received a free license key to their product. A few days went by and I ended up...
Zeus botnet analysis: Past, present and future threats
The Zeus botnet has become one of the most dangerous botnets in history because of the targeted crimes that have been committed using the malware it propagates and the ease with which attackers commit the crimes. In this tip, we'll review what makes Zeus such a unique problem for enterprises and how best to defend...
Botnets, Hackers and SPAM (OH MY!)
Hackers and spammers may be using your computer right now. They invade secretly and hide software to get access to the information on your computer, including your email program. Once on your computer, they can spy on your internet surfing, steal your personal information, and use your computer to send spam – potentially offensive or...
Current threat levels
Trend Micro supplies a widget that reports on the current global threat level of malware, malicious websites, and the percentage of world-wide IP addresses that are sending spam. Interesting information to keep you in the loop of current global threat levels is provided on Trend Micro's TrendWatch website. You can also get...