Everyone loves Pinterest, thanks to the handy DIY tutorials, inspiration, and more. These are the most popular interior designs, according to new Pinterest data.


It’s fun to see where trends begin, and a new feature of Pinterest opens that door up.

Pinterest was born in January of 2010. Over the last 10+ years, the platform has increased in popularity exponentially. Things will trend on the “for you” or “home” pages, showcasing the pins that are most popular based on the number of times they’ve been repinned or saved to someone else’s page. Needless to say, over the years, so many trends have begun because of Pinterest. 

Whether you’re a do-it-yourself expert or you’re just trying to redecorate your home for the first time, you will be able to find something that either piques your interest or inspires you on the platform. As if it’s taken the place of pretty, shiny lifestyle magazines, Pinterest always has the up-and-coming trends projected for the next season. 

A recent update to the social media platform actually made it possible to look at the search volume on Pinterest. Google Trends offers this tool which has become a fun way to generate data-sets on search volume to create visualizations like this one

Everyone turns to Pinterest for home decor inspiration, so what are the most popular types of home decor? Over the last six months, the Pinterest trend data shows that most often, people who are searching for inspiration are looking for “Western” design styles. Aside from western design, people are also searching Pinterest for other design styles like modern, minimalist, vintage, and eclectic style. 


What’s interesting about these charts is that while western style is popular, southwestern isn’t! On the converse, actually – southwestern as an interior design style is one of the top 10 least popular. 


We were surprised to see the Modern Farmhouse style is also one of the top ten least searched design styles on Pinterest. Maybe because Farmhouse style has been more common in home decor lines at popular stores, people aren’t looking to emulate it or looking for inspiration since they can find it out. 

What are your favorite interior design styles? Do you go to Pinterest for inspiration?