Do you want to be recognized wherever you go on the web? I hope your answer is yes. Some people on the web just seem to be everywhere! It’s amazing, how you can go from one site to the next and somehow the same face keeps popping up at you. This should be, and CAN be you! One question I get asked by new bloggers a lot is about branding. Recently a reader of info carnivore asked me how he can join a blogging community so that HIS picture, the same picture will be everywhere he comments and posts.
The answer is quite simple, and starts with an incredibly popular service. Yet surprisingly enough, many people still haven’t heard of gravatar, or for whatever reason haven’t got around to getting one yet.
Be Recognized Globally
“Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on anysite?“
Your gravatar will be tied to your email address. Notice how when you comment on blogs, or sign up for websites you are prompted for an email address? This too is important, as you must make sure you use the same email address wherever you go, as you use for your gravatar account.
Your face can be your brand. In 2010 I wrote a timeless and popular article about “Branding your blog, above the fold” where I mention using your likeness as your brand and the importance of being consistent with that brand.
So what are you waiting for? Get your gravatar today, sign up here. Everyone wants to be recognized, getting a gravatar is the important first step in developing your presence on the web.
[BLOCKED BY STBV] Featured in says:
Jan 24, 2011
The importance of being recognized globally | Info Carnviore…
Do you want to be recognized wherever you go on the web? I hope your answer is yes. Some people on the web just seem to be everywhere! It’s amazing, how you can go from one site to the next and somehow the same face keeps popping up at you. This should…
Gabriele Maidecchi says:
Jan 24, 2011
I am very pleased to see that even web applications, beyond social media tools and blogs, are adopting Gravatars as a mean to share one’s public image with the world. It’s very important to give yourself a recognize “icon” to leverage on the power of branding, we should never forget that.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 25, 2011
I agree, we’re seeing gravatars everywhere now and it has really simplified being on the web and being consistent. It’s nice to see people you know popping up everywhere, and when they are using the same picture it makes it much more noticeable.
Steve from ZolexPC says:
Jan 24, 2011
I am the happy owner of a Gravatar based on your advice. It really comes in handy when posting comments on blog.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 25, 2011
Right on Steve! 🙂
SEO services says:
Jan 24, 2011
Great writeup, I think it is one of the most important factors for any company out there, thanks for sharing!!..
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 25, 2011
You’re welcome, no problem!
Looking4 Purpose says:
Jan 25, 2011
yes I use it as well, and it is the face that follows makes it easy to identify the unique blogs.
A. Tatum says:
Jan 26, 2011
I didn’t have a Gravatar until I wrote a guest post here at Infocarnivore. I’m glad it did because I was missing out.
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 27, 2011
So glad we got you a Gravatar, Alvin! Right on man. 🙂
Tweets that mention The importance of being recognized globally | Info Carnviore -- says:
Jan 26, 2011
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daniel Snyder, Jim Rudnick. Jim Rudnick said: RT @danielsnyder1 The importance of being recognized globally – great advice, eh Dan! […]
pcd2k says:
Jan 27, 2011
Although I have a universally recognized Gravatar, some wordpress blogs here in BlogEngage, don’t or can’t show it. I have written to Brian, Dragon blogger and one or two others here at BlogEngage, yet no one appears to know why. Bear in mind that my universally recognized Gravatar shows up on most places I comment, including Blogs like Endgadget, ReadWrite and some Mac blogs whose names escape me at this point.
So might you have any clues? Incidentally I won’t know whether my Gravatar will appear here in this blog until you approve the post!
Daniel Snyder says:
Jan 28, 2011
I do have a clue for you, I think a lot of social networks are still expecting users to upload their own image. I know for a fact Blog Engage doesn’t reach out and grab your gravatar but rather has a personal profile page where you can upload your own image. For blogs like these (facebook is the same), you need to manual upload your image. Make sure you use the same one everywhere!
Blog Engage 2011 Contest, Let’s Get Going! | Info Carnviore says:
Feb 21, 2011
[…] can! If you are a Blog Engage member and you have a paypal account and a gravatar you can participate in this contest. What’s required of you? Find out HOW TO WIN by […]
janwong says:
Apr 2, 2011
Hey Daniel, great reminder! Many of us tend to forget the importance of a having one same identity when engaging – gravatar, email addresses, names and even website addresses. A standardized image would be great for identification purposes too! e.g. gravatar and Twitter profiles.
Daniel Snyder says:
Apr 3, 2011
Thanks man! Glad this post was able to influence so many people. I am a big advocate for standardized images (as you can tell). Thanks for visiting!