Sometimes, being a woman can feel a bit… unfair, for lack of a better term. Women have a lot of difficult situations in life that men simply don’t have to deal with (think: pregnancy and menstrual cycles). As if the pain of childbirth wasn’t enough, females also have to face a plethora of gender bias....
There are a lot of dating apps in use nowadays, and if you’re like me, you’re probably curious as to what type of use these apps are getting and what the actual dating outcomes are for users. Are these apps strictly for one-night stands, or do the users end up getting hitched to their matches?...
If you’re familiar with the term backlinks, you know how important they are to the ranking of your website. If you don’t know what backlinking is, you’ll need to do some research because it’s essential that you start working on them for your website. Basically, the more you disseminate your website URL on the Internet,...
Backlinks: The Importance of PageRank