How to Optimize Your Blog through Article Marketing
by kimathic on Nov 21, 2011 • 6:22 am 32 CommentsA blog is a collection of different journal posts which focus on as specific subject. Blogs don’t require much technical knowledge to maintain and run. Many blogs are built for commercial interests; making revenue off advertisements, or promoting eBooks or businesses. Many of these blogs are increasing their revenue and traffic by making use of article marketing.
Article marketing refers to the submission of articles to article directories, which are basically websites that contain a collection of articles on various subjects. The main aim of this practice is to drive traffic to your blog. Article marketing will generate traffic which is relevant to your blog’s theme. In addition, you will build links to your website which don’t require reciprocity. Article marketing has been very effective in driving traffic to my blog which features webhostingpad coupons and discounts.
So, how do you get started with article marketing? The first step is writing articles, otherwise there will be nothing to market. Once you build up a collection of articles, you need to look for niche article sites and directories in which you can submit the articles. In the course of time, you could have hundreds of articles submitted. This enormous task can be made easier by hiring a professional to produce articles and maintain the blog. Though it will mean an extra expense, you will reap the benefits later.
A blogger is usually more internet savvy compared to the average article writer. Bloggers know how to generate revenue through various advertising campaigns. These bloggers can enhance articles using well-researched keywords, thus increasing traffic to their blogs. When you have a large collection of articles in different directories, you will start seeing an increase in your blog traffic. Since article marketing is a relatively slow process, the effects will be slow initially. However, in the long term, the results will be evident. You can combine article marketing with other money making strategies, such as marketing products and advertising programs.
Dave Pilgrim says:
Nov 21, 2011
The article spinner has really helped me to produce good content. As my friend mention though “garbage in …garbage out.” I onced hoped there was a silver bullet. But the longer I do this the more I realized the sweat equity does matter. Thanks for this post. Some good reminders here for all of us.
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
Very true Dave, we shouldn’t rely too much on article spinners. Hard work is a must to produce great content.
Reese says:
Nov 21, 2011
That is a great way to generate traffic to one’s blog. And what is even greater is that the people who will be lead to your site are your target market. These are the people who went to these online directories because they need something and they will go to your site hoping to find it there.
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
I agree Reese, article marketing is one of the best ways of driving targeted traffic to your site. Thanks for stopping by.
Eugene@mobile development says:
Nov 21, 2011
Article spinner has its drawbacks – you have to edit the spinned content manually, otherwise it won’t be really readable. And most often such articles are not interesting to read for your visitors. That’s why unique content is essential for success.
Aanchal says:
Nov 21, 2011
Article Marketing is really useful way to get more and more targeted visitors on your site. It also helps to get quality backlinks.
Though many people use it to get backlnks only so they submit spinned content here and there for this purpose and increasing the spam.
Chadrack@SEO Tactics says:
Nov 22, 2011
Article marketing is really powerful in promoting your blog. I’ve been an article marketer ever before I joined the blogging revolution. However, these days I think guest blogging which another form of article marketing is really more valuable in driving traffic to a blog. Very informative article thanks for sharing.
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
Indeed, guest blogging is another great way of generating targeted traffic. Thanks for the contribution.
BuySellWordpress says:
Nov 22, 2011
I agree with you that article marketing can bring many useful benefits for any blog. But articles should be only of high quality
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
Indeed, high quality is a must for your articles to be accepted. Thanks for sharing.
jay pasana says:
Nov 23, 2011
Article marketing is really a no cost marketing campaign. This is a very conventional way of generating natural links for getting traffic to your website. Yes its true! its a very slow process but in the end you’ll see the results.
Thanks for the great post.
Edward says:
Nov 23, 2011
The hardest part to do is to create quality articles to be posted in article directories.
amelia says:
Nov 24, 2011
Great post! Thanks for the great ideas..
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
You are welcome Amelia 🙂
Matt Evans says:
Nov 24, 2011
I use an article marketing service to get my campaigns done. I use UAW. Just like Edward said, submission can be easy but getting accepted is not.
Converse high heel sneakers says:
Nov 25, 2011
Yes, I agree with you that article marketing is useful to get traffic. But It is hard to write logical and useful article.
Ravit says:
Nov 25, 2011
In the end of the day there are no short cuts… It will take some time until you get the results you want and you need to work hard for it. Thank’s Charles for this post!
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
Hard work must be accompanied with patience and consistency. Good point Ravit!
Truth about abs says:
Nov 25, 2011
Article marketing is always a great way to drive traffic and getting backlinks for a website or blog. Most of the article sites have got millions of regular visitors from which it can refer direct visitors to your site. It has been a widely practiced backlink building system throughout the web.
Bodhost UK web hosting says:
Nov 26, 2011
I have learned a new way to get good exposure for my blog. Thank you very much. Rocking..
Charles says:
Nov 28, 2011
I’m glad you found the post helpful. Keep reading this blog.
Sheena@best heater says:
Nov 27, 2011
Article marketing is indeed one of the best ways to get high-quality, one way links. We have done this for all our websites and although the process is time-consuming, the long term benefits are great! True that there are faster and easier ways to to do this but nothing beats manual submission because you are assured of the outcome, you can be 100% sure that your efforts are not put to waste.
irs tax debt and busines debt relief says:
Nov 28, 2011
Thanks for article marketing’s better to submitt article to directories with different articles for every two hundred etc. to avoid spam
First Properties says:
Nov 28, 2011
Yes, agree with you that article marketing is useful to get traffic but writing it is the hardest part.
Gym Equipment says:
Nov 28, 2011
Great resource. I strongly believe that article is still the king. Search engines just really loves them so, doing it right will surely boost up your online business.
Cervical Spondylosis says:
Nov 28, 2011
I must agree, article marketing can definitely help A LOT with your website or blog traffic.
Foam Packaging says:
Nov 29, 2011
I know article submission can increase traffic but I want to ask how to submit article and where?
Blog Lady says:
Dec 1, 2011
I agree with Chadrack about guest blogging. I think both guest blogging and article marketing and one should try both. With the wave of Google algorithm update this year targeting “content farms,” bloggers need to beware of relying too heavily on article directories.
As for getting targeted traffic via article marketing: I think that depends on whether it’s a general article directory or one that’s tied to a specific niche. The real value of article marketing, I believe, is the ability to post anchored links to relevant sites and web pages. If the article is useful and the links are relevant, that’s good SEO.
I never use article spinners and don’t recommend them.
Thanks for the article!
AceLuv says:
Dec 5, 2011
Article marketing is very important to a blog and running a business online especially when it comes to building links.
Top SEO says:
Dec 12, 2011
Article marketing is slow but ends up with some permanent results… it is conventional yet very popular… thanks for sharing…
crating & packing says:
May 1, 2012
Thanks for such a valuable information sir. As i m new to blogging i will definitely gain experience and will remain in regular contact with you.
Pavnish says:
May 3, 2012
Yes i agree with you sir. A blogger knows how to generate revenue by taking ads from different vendors and people like to add value to that blog.