Thinking about leadership, I have always struggled with the desire to be in the spotlight. For many years it was my ambition to be seen & known. I am finally perhaps accepting that I am not necessarily destined for the spotlight. In fact I suspect that wouldn’t be that good for my ego! Leaders are needed everywhere, in the home, in the workplace, in the community, in the church, and in government. Some are more prevalent than others, there are those of course whose names we all know. But there are many more leaders we will never hear about, nor comprehend the magnitude of their impact. These are the nameless, faceless leaders of our era. These are the ones who are not seeking their own glory, but rather strive to see the next generation raised up above them. These are the ones who are true fathers, faithful husbands, men of integrity and passion.
Where are you leading? What are your ambitions when it comes to leadership? Are you seeking your own glory, or do you desire to see those you lead go further than you? Thoughts… True leadership is founded in being a servant.
Daniel Snyder says:
May 15, 2010
Servant leadership is the focus of a fantastic discipleship program for men in Langley, BC called Wagner Hills. Check them out at
Daniel Snyder says:
May 15, 2010
Servant leadership is the focus of a fantastic discipleship program for men in Langley, BC called Wagner Hills. Check them out at
brenda says:
May 16, 2010
I’m wondering if leadership has much to do with seeing the gifts God has put within someone and bringing it forth; much like watching a plant grow, tenderly nurturing it till
it’s in full bloom.
I once heard Pastor Lym say that a great leader is someone who releases another person into their calling.