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Posts tagged "bloggers"
Why YOU should be blogging!

Why YOU should be blogging!

How Do you learn how to blog anyway? How often have I talked with individuals about blogging and am responded to with a sarcastic and negative disposition, "why would anyone want to listen to me? What have I got to say?" You may be surprised to discover your opinion is valuable. You...

My biggest blogging mistakes!

I really am new to blogging, after all I've only been seriously committed to it for just under three months now. It's been a steep learning curve, that feels like it will never end (and that is probably a good thing). From the challenges of finding a niche (which I really am still...

The Blog Engage Community, my thoughts.

The Blog Engage Community is a social networking site that I've recently discovered and am quite impressed with. I decided to share my discovery and thoughts here, with the hope of encouraging other bloggers to check it out. Blog Engage can be described in as few words as its title, a networking...

Twitter Etiquette for bloggers, Part 2

My first article on twitter etiquette for bloggers was really well received, I got a lot of feedback with additional input and other schools of thought. The topic of thought has been regarding self promotion of our own blog posts on twitter. How often is too often (or not often enough) to tweet...

Twitter etiquette for bloggers

As I spend a lot of time on twitter, my thoughts often wander to proper twitter etiquette. I have questions of my own of course, grey areas where I wonder what the fine line is between attracting more followers and pushing followers away. There are of course some rules of thumb that it would be...