What are some of the most exciting developments for marketers out of SXSWi?
SXSWi, the interactive part of the annual event known as South by Southwest, got underway on March 9 and judging from all the coverage, it has been a heck of an experience to say the least. As you may know, the interactive portion is much more than fun and games. It is also an affair...
Revamping Your Marketing Strategy in the Face of SOPA and PIPA
The discussions that began online have spilled over into radio, TV, and other traditional media channels. It seems as if everyone these days is talking about Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), two bills that if voted into law, could potentially change the face of the internet as we know...
Is the PROTECT-IP Bill a Potential Problem for Email Marketers?
When lawmakers introduce a bill that aims to stamp out piracy, musicians and other players from the entertainment industry are usually onboard. It is no secret that all the internet resources that allow users to illegally obtain copyrighted material has ate into a huge chunk of industry profits. To no surprise, support is exactly what...
Why is it Important to Test to Various Mobile Platforms?
Smartphones have become so popular, that email marketers can no longer afford to ignore mobile devices when designing their email campaigns. It seems like just about everyone has one of these gadgets to call their own, and just about all of them have email reading capabilities at the very least. These factors make having a...
Why Is It Increasingly Important That Your Email Marketing Services Have a Mobile focus?
We have had a plethora of marketing tools and technology come our way over the last five years or so. Some of have stuck, some have fizzled, but none have been surrounded by more hype than mobile. The continued proliferation of smartphones has made what once seemed like a legend a reality. Savvy marketers have...