Is the Ignore Option on Google+ an Obstacle for Marketers?
by Aidan Hijleh on Oct 26, 2011 • 6:11 am 12 CommentsAlthough Google+ was rolled out with an impressive slate of features, the search company has slowly been adding additional functionality to its new social media platform. One of the latest features to be introduced is the Ignore Option, a function which hence the name, allows users to ignore others by limiting what they see in their profile. If users adopt this feature, it could have an impact on marketers, so here are some tips on how to avoid the wrath of the Google+ Ignore Option.
Stay on Track
There are many things to like about Google+, starting with its built-in friends architecture known as Circles. Unlike other social networks that group all your contacts into a single friends list, Circles let you divide your contacts into custom made groups aptly called circles. For example, your circles may consist of groups like business associates, prospects, friends, and family. When it comes to the Ignore Option, one of the keys to eluding its swift blade that will severe ties between you and your audience is staying focused with your communications. What we mean by this is you need to make sure you are sharing the right content with the right circles and keep all your interactions relevant.
Leave Sales Pitches at the Door
With such a large following that literally spans the globe, it is hard for marketers not to view social media as a viable sales channel. And although the numbers indicate that there truly are plenty of opportunities for sales, this is not the outlet to treat solely as an advertising tool. Doing social marketing right is about engaging and building relationships. This is true whether you’re working with Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. For Google+, a brand new social network, engaging users with aggressive sales pitches is probably the fastest way to convince your contacts to use the Ignore Option. It could also get you in hot water with Google, who has warned brands not to use the platform as a marketing tool until a business version is released.
Prove Your Worth
Your Google+ contacts probably will not ignore you if you are not being a nuisance and throwing hard pitches their way at every opportunity. If you provide value in your communications and give them a reason to interact with you, making use of the Ignore Option will be the furthest thing from their mind. Showcase your expertise. Direct users to resources that can help them with their problems. Do what you can to build meaningful relationships with your audience, and if sales are what you’re after, they’ll come in due time.
In all honesty, the Ignore Option in Google+ is no more an obstacle for marketers than the Hide All Posts function Facebook makes available to its users. It will only affect your efforts if you make yourself a nuisance. Stay relevant, avoid the sales pitches, make yourself useful, and you should be in the clear.
Aaron @ Goa Carnival says:
Oct 26, 2011
Social Networking sites are great platforms for marketing purposes, but first you need to show them your value and worth. If peple don’t know your importance they’ll unfollow you or block you any time.
So it’s important to share some important info most of the time. You should use 80% time in a whole day interaction to provide valuable information, humor and so on, only 20% time you should use for promotion/marketing purpose because people join networking sites for fun purpose they don’t like to know about any company and business.
So it’s your duty to attract them by providing some important and valuable info and then cleverly promote your services and products as well.
John@Beginner Guitar Lessons says:
Oct 27, 2011
Hey Aidan,
This is my first time hearing of the Google+ Ignore Option, but like you said as long as you dislay your expertise and really try to help users solve their problems you won’t have to worry about it. Making yourself useful is the best way to avoid this potential problem.
Jeanie@Facebook Templates says:
Oct 27, 2011
I use Google + from the very beginning, but I haven’t even heard about this feature before. I think that people who provide others only with necessary and real information, should be worried about this feature
Steve@Internet Lifestyle says:
Oct 27, 2011
I like what you say here. Like all “social networks” on Google + it is important to nail that “social” part. If every message is marketing you will quickly get lost in the shuffle.
Be a real person first and foremost. Connect with people and in time the sales and good stuff will come.
Google Authorship, Blogging, SEO And Social Media – SpeedLink 41 says:
Oct 29, 2011
[…] Is the Ignore Option on Google+ an Obstacle for Marketers? […]
Ana @ Increase Web Traffic says:
Oct 30, 2011
If you offer value, people will see you as an expert and they will follow you, but the ignore button will be applied if you annoy them. This is a great challenge for us to keep our content fresh, relevant and valuable. Thanks for this awesome post, Aiden.
Reign says:
Oct 31, 2011
I guess it is a fair thing to put ignore button because you can still choose options to protect your privacy in Google Plus One.
Anna says:
Oct 31, 2011
Aiden, I like your point that Google+ must be above all – social. I have heard only some ambiguous thing about it and I was desperate to know some more info. Thank you:)
Car Dealers says:
Nov 1, 2011
like what you say here. Like all “social networks” on Google + it is important to nail that “social” part. If every message is marketing you will quickly get lost in the shuffle.
Chadrack@SEO Tips says:
Nov 1, 2011
You definitely got your points right. It’s clear that internet marketers have hijacked the social media platforms and many of those rushing from facebook to google+ understand the good in it, commercially. I think this feature, the ignore option, is a good one from google. This will help avoid too many sales pitches from those you are following.
Car Dealers says:
Nov 8, 2011
I like your point that Google+ must be above all — social. I have heard only some ambiguous thing about it and I was desperate to know some more info. Thank you
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bbrian017 says:
Nov 8, 2011
I think ti’s simlir to bloking some peopels’ games feed on facebook. There’s tons of crap there we don’t’ need to see and if thie works the same then I think ti’s a great idea. I’ve bloked tons of my family and friend on facebook because I knon’t cake about farm viile or the other 20 games they play.