is your premier infographic website and directory. Browse high-quality infographics and instructographics and submit your own for inclusion.
Google Duplicate Content Penalty, is it real?

Google Duplicate Content Penalty, is it real?

Duplicate content raises a lot of concern in the world of webmasters and bloggers, the fear of the infamous 'duplicate content penalty' abounds. We are constantly being warned against producing and utilizing duplicate content, and I agree, the use of duplicate content on your blog is not something I would ever encourage. After...
When the Google honeymoon is over, the keyword fight begins!

When the Google honeymoon is over, the keyword fight begins!

Ah, Google. The Search giant that SEO "experts" around the world love to pretend they understand. As the years go by Google evolves, their search algorithms change, and it becomes apparent that very few really know anything about their complex search algorithms. Google is in fact very cautious about what they say...
You think your keywords are ranking well, but are they really?

You think your keywords are ranking well, but are they really?

The topic of ranking first page in google's search results is super popular, and lately I'm always reading articles about how I ranked page one of google in only 5 days or other similarly titled stories. The biggest mistake people make when determining how well they are ranking for their keywords is in not...

It’s time to let the blogroll go, roll on blogroll

The blogroll: Once an integral part of the blogosphere, and a happy place to throw up links to your friends blogs, and other resources that you had found valuable. But now? Does the blogroll still have the same value it once did? I say no it doesn't, and here are my three...
Develop useful content: links, PageRank, and traffic will come

Develop useful content: links, PageRank, and traffic will come

artificial linking at info carnivoreI wanted to do an article on artificial linking. This was something I came across in my endless thirst for knowledge on how to improve rankings on Google. I don't really believe the correct term is artificial linking for what people are describing them as. The correct term would be irrelevant...
Google's 2011 Official Stance on PageRank

Google’s 2011 Official Stance on PageRank

I previously discussed the rumor, "is google ditching page rank?" on this blog, and it was met with a lot of response. Many comments revealed that google has been updating toolbar Page Rank incrementally throughout the past year and that numerous sites have seen a PR increase. Though the updates had now been...
SEO For National Business

SEO For National Business

seo for business at info carnivoreEver wondered which SEO services are right for your business? Optimized Landing pages, creating an Authority site? Pay-Per -Click Advertising or Organic Search Engine Optimization? With so many options available, the one-size-fits-all mentality is not applicable for developing a holistic (all encompassing) search engine optimization campaign.
Moving up in the SERPs: In-Post SEO Checklist.

Moving up in the SERPs: In-Post SEO Checklist.

This article outlines the steps I take when writing an article to ensure it is search engine friendly and to guarantee better placement in the SERPs (Search engine results pages). Step two gives a bullet form SEO Checklist for optimizing your posts. I've read a lot of SEO topic articles that give in-post...
Is Google Ditching PageRank?

Is Google Ditching PageRank?

Is Google ditching PageRank? Is it possible that the number one thing that website owners chase could soon be history? Google hasn’t updated PageRank since early April 2010. That is odd. In fact being December now, that is the longest length of time that Google has gone EVER without a PageRank update. Many people have...