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Posts tagged "tip"
Keep an Eye on Your Home with Smartphone Security Apps

Keep an Eye on Your Home with Smartphone Security Apps

You’re pulling into your office parking lot when suddenly you realize: you forgot to arm your home security system. To make matters worse, the new MacBookPro you just bought is still sitting in its box on top of your desk. You might as well have a put a big red bow around your house...

Computer tip #3

Tip #3, avg. Now this is just an opinion, and I hope I don’t make anyone mad, but I honestly can’t believe individuals pay for anti-virus protection! I certainly understand it at a corporate/enterprise level, but for the average home owner, there is absolutely no reason to be forking out extra cash for your anti-virus...

Computer Tip #2

So it looks like Tip #1 was really a two for one, so I’ll have to be careful to give only one piece of advice with this one. Gotta keep the people coming back right? Tip #2, ccleaner ccleaner is one my all-time favorite PC tools. It was originally called crap-cleaner but when it got...

Computer Tip #1

“How to speed up, clean up, & simply run your PC better” … a series, by daniel snyder. As I’ve been trying to figure out what to blog about, it hit me… at least write about something you know! So, here goes my series on computer tips & advice. Follow these tips and I guarantee...