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Guest Posts
How to be a Successful Guest Blogger and Drive Traffic to Your Blog

How to be a Successful Guest Blogger and Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Guest blogging is one of the best ways to build quality backlinks to your blog, which can improve your search-engine ranking. Also, when you write for another blog, you are being introduced to a whole new audience of readers, which you can attract to become regular readers and subscribers of your blog. However, effective guest...
Why is it Important to Test to Various Mobile Platforms?

Why is it Important to Test to Various Mobile Platforms?

Smartphones have become so popular, that email marketers can no longer afford to ignore mobile devices when designing their email campaigns. It seems like just about everyone has one of these gadgets to call their own, and just about all of them have email reading capabilities at the very least. These factors make having a...
3 Successful SEO Marketing Strategies

3 Successful SEO Marketing Strategies

It seems today there are a million ways to increase your site exposure. New SEO strategies are popping up weekly, some more effective than others. As websites grow, more people are veering away from basic SEO marketing and expanding alternative techniques. This sparks the creation of new strategies that when utilized with the basics, can...
Taking Another Look At Google Fresh

Taking Another Look At Google Fresh

Google's early November algorithm update, commonly called Google Fresh, is another step towards Google's goal of providing the most helpful, relevant search results to users. By focusing on the timeliness of search items, Google is hoping to clear its search results pages of the cobwebs and dust bunnies of years-old content that constantly plagues searchers...
Five Professionals that Need a Quality Phone System

Five Professionals that Need a Quality Phone System

If the concept of a business phone system brings to mind a chain-smoking bank of operators plugging and unplugging wires into a massive switchboard, you're in for a surprise.
How to Optimize Your Blog through Article Marketing

How to Optimize Your Blog through Article Marketing

A blog is a collection of different journal posts which focus on as specific subject. Blogs don’t require much technical knowledge to maintain and run. Many blogs are built for commercial interests; making revenue off advertisements, or promoting eBooks or businesses. Many of these blogs are increasing their revenue and traffic by making use of...
How to Monetize a Newsworthy Content Site

How to Monetize a Newsworthy Content Site

One of the best ways of making money online is through newsworthy content sites. All it takes is choosing a topic, creating a website around it, and then marketing the site to a specific niche market which would be interested in that particular topic. As long as your topic is popular, you will soon see...
How can you make your small business more visible to Siri on the iPhone?

How can you make your small business more visible to Siri on the iPhone?

Apple recently launched the iPhone 4s, the latest version of the top selling smartphone that is for now at least, standing in place of the highly anticipated fifth generation model, which is reported to be on hold until 2012. Just before releasing the new device, the company unveiled the iOS 5, the newest version of...
Death Match: Verizon vs. Net Neutrality

Death Match: Verizon vs. Net Neutrality

The net neutrality debate has been raging for some time now, but the FCC's adoption of official net neutrality rules in December 2010 have fanned the flames, prompting action from both sides. The rules, created to protect consumers, will not allow communications companies to block traffic on the Internet, whether the company runs a wired...
“Yelp is just jealous”: reflections on the Anti-Trust Case against Google

“Yelp is just jealous”: reflections on the Anti-Trust Case against Google

There’s been a lot of controversy lately around the issue of Google’s supposed monopoly over the Search Engines and thus--by a deductive extension that I’m not sure is warranted--of all internet traffic and thus a large portion of the American economy (a deduction which is statistically warranted). To investigate this matter...
What are the Social Marketing Implications of Google Integrating Offers and Wallet into Google+?

What are the Social Marketing Implications of Google Integrating Offers and Wallet into Google+?

Not too many observers were shocked when learning that Google would be integrating many of its existing product with Google+, the social networking platform that has taken the world by storm without even officially being on the market. There has already been talk of integration with the company’s popular webmail client Gmail and advertising program...
Keep an Eye on Your Home with Smartphone Security Apps

Keep an Eye on Your Home with Smartphone Security Apps

You’re pulling into your office parking lot when suddenly you realize: you forgot to arm your home security system. To make matters worse, the new MacBookPro you just bought is still sitting in its box on top of your desk. You might as well have a put a big red bow around your house...