Why I never retweet Mashable
I Never Retweet Mashable... And maybe you shouldn't either. Why? Since Mashable is so influential I have no reason to bombard my followers with their tweets. Odds are they follow Mashable anyway! I find it frustrating when a new story breaks and I suddenly see ten tweets all from different...

Twitter Guide: Do You Tweet More Than You Should?
If you tell the world something new about yourself every time you tweet then the world will soon know more than you would like.

The Best (and worst) Social Networks for Bloggers
Blogging is a hard road, and it would sure be boring if I was going at it alone! Thankfully I have developed a great network on a number of excellent online social communities, some which directly serve bloggers and others which are more general. I took advantage of the network I've developed and...

How many of your twitter followers actually follow you?
Those that are using their Twitter account on any kind of a regular basis are no doubt bombarded by tweets and offers to get more followers fast. Websites like tweepsml.org offer lists of twitter accounts that allow you to follow hundreds of users at a time, many with the promise of a guaranteed...
Twitter: Follow Friday recommendations for July 30
Like some bloggers who I pay close attention to (Blazing Minds and DragonBlogger), I've decided to develop my own "FollowFriday" twitter list to encourage people to find new faces to follow and why. Follow Friday tends to get a little out of control at times, with dozens of user names flying through the...
Not all your twitter followers are fans… yet!
So, you've been working hard to build a following on twitter. By now you have at least ten followers right? Good job. Keep up the hard work. Eventually you'll have many more, provided you keep your focus off your follow count and on to the more important things, being a real...
How to be an Engager on Twitter
A lot of people, especially new twitter users (tweeps) are primarily focused on their follow count. Obviously a major goal to success with twitter is a large following. But first decide to get your focus off your follow count. It's not the bottom line right now. There are a whole lot of...
Twitter faux pas (10 Twitter no-no’s)
I've now published two articles on twitter etiquette (twitterquette) and they've been well received. What about twitter no-no's. What NOT to do or tweet on twitter? Here are ten that I've come up with. What are your suggested twitter no-no's?
1. One word tweets. At least put a few words...
Twitter Etiquette for bloggers, Part 2
My first article on twitter etiquette for bloggers was really well received, I got a lot of feedback with additional input and other schools of thought. The topic of thought has been regarding self promotion of our own blog posts on twitter. How often is too often (or not often enough) to tweet...
Twitter etiquette for bloggers
As I spend a lot of time on twitter, my thoughts often wander to proper twitter etiquette. I have questions of my own of course, grey areas where I wonder what the fine line is between attracting more followers and pushing followers away. There are of course some rules of thumb that it would be...
Twitter, why tweet? Why YOU should join the twittersphere.
It's been proving difficult to hook Canadians on twitter. Apparently more than 85% of the population has heard of twitter, but less than 5% have actually joined.
Right now twitter is reporting more than 41 million users. So why should YOU join the twittersphere?
Twitter is unique. It's not like other social networking sites. ...
Twitter Is About News, Not Social Media
Researchers say that the site is set up like a traditional news media outlet and can’t be defined as a social network. by Anton Gonsalves (original article posted on Information Week, May 5, 2010) Twitter has evolved into a major distributor of timely information, as opposed to a social network, making the microblogging site an...