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Clouds Over the Capitol

Clouds Over the Capitol

“The budget deficit” and “cloud computing” are two buzzwords that we hear all the time, but could they possibly be connected? We all know about the growing budget deficit; it blows through America’s economy like a dark wind. According to the Congressional Budget Office, it topped 1.3 trillion for the 2011 fiscal year. Yes, that’s...
6 Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to Your Blog

6 Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to Your Blog

Blogs are a valuable asset to your business. They provide enhanced visibility to your business, engages the audience in a conversation, Shares a Company’s expertise with others, and builds additional web traffic. If your run a small business with limited resources, blogs are a cheaper alternative to building and maintaining a complete website. Getting more...

What Do You Need for an Exciting and Successful Career in Pharmaceutical Marketing?

If you have been wondering what it would be like to have a job in the pharmaceutical, or as also known medico-marketing, or pharma marketing, you can be sure you are in for an exciting journey! The pharmaceutical industry is developing fast, just like almost anything else, and the career opportunities are plenty! Pharmaceutical marketing...
Does HTML 5 have a shot at replacing Flash?

Does HTML 5 have a shot at replacing Flash?

Flash is undoubtedly cool, but if you’re a web designer, web developer, or even just an avid web surfer, you know that it can also be problematic. The problems with this robust multimedia platform are now more evident than ever in a digital era dominated by smartphones, tablets and other gadgets commonly grouped in the...
Bringing a Face to Your Company: How Video Helps

Bringing a Face to Your Company: How Video Helps

While the web is dominated by new marketing technologies, the basic art of storytelling is still alive and well. Nothing accomplishes the two-fold goal of effective communication and customer engagement like the medium of video. Any type of business benefits from a more audiovisual approach to web marketing. Not only because video is an attractive...
Should You Use Only Dot Com Domain Names?

Should You Use Only Dot Com Domain Names?

There’s a universal agreement among experts that the dot com domain is the most desirable TLD (top-level domain) to have for a website. But why is this and is this rule carved into stone? When is it possible to bend or disregard this rule, if that is possible at all? Why a Dot Com Domain...
4 Ways to Build Your Brand on Pinterest

4 Ways to Build Your Brand on Pinterest

It seems like everywhere I go these days, people are talking about the inspiration-craze that is Pinterest. Recently, the virtual pinboard site reached the 10 million U.S. monthly visitors milestone, a social landmark achieved faster than any independent site in internet history. A majority of Pinterest’s 10 million registered users are female, and over 100...
Three Reasons why Ecommerce Solutions Fail to Become Profitable

Three Reasons why Ecommerce Solutions Fail to Become Profitable

An online store front is a great idea for businesses who do not want to operate from a brick and mortar store and want to save on the associated expenses. More importantly, they are a cost effective way of running a business solely backed by a web presence. But, the problem here is that the...
How Project Management Software Could Help Your Business Grow

How Project Management Software Could Help Your Business Grow

Why are some small businesses continuing to grow during these slow economic times while others are failing? What does it take to keep established customers returning and attract the attention of new ones? The evidence points to excellent customer service as being the key to a thriving business. This means giving current customers the time...
7 Unique Ways to Earn Money on Twitter

7 Unique Ways to Earn Money on Twitter

Twitter, the immensely popular social networking site which utilizes the SMS style of messaging, has become an important communication tool in modern society since it can relay information in real time.
Tips for Entrepreneurs Entering Social Media

Tips for Entrepreneurs Entering Social Media

Social Media is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing the way people communicate. In recent years, social media has aided in the overthrow of some of the world’s most oppressive regimes and reconnected thousands of people. However, it can also be used for entrepreneurs to launch their business ideas to a global market. Here are...
6 Ways Small Businesses Find Big Ideas

6 Ways Small Businesses Find Big Ideas

The world is changing quicker than ever before and small businesses today need to take advantage of new products, services, marketing channels and tools – or risk getting left behind. Yet even the most agile of company owners can be plagued by this simple question: “How do I get the best new ideas for growing...