How to Drive Traffic to Your Site Using Twitter
Social media marketing is a fairly new concept, but one that any business can benefit from. More and more, people are turning toward social media sites like Facebook and Twitter as a way to connect with family and friends, but also to keep updated on their favorite brands and businesses. While Facebook is in many...

Understanding Google+ For Connecting with a Wider Target Audience
Today, every website is integrated with Facebook, Twitter and the +1 button. The idea behind such buttons is simple. It helps visitors share you content easily on the social media sties like Facebook, Twitter and Google +. With search engines giving more importance to content popularity, it makes perfect sense to create relevant, fresh and...

3 Successful SEO Marketing Strategies
It seems today there are a million ways to increase your site exposure. New SEO strategies are popping up weekly, some more effective than others. As websites grow, more people are veering away from basic SEO marketing and expanding alternative techniques. This sparks the creation of new strategies that when utilized with the basics, can...

Is the Ignore Option on Google+ an Obstacle for Marketers?
Although Google+ was rolled out with an impressive slate of features, the search company has slowly been adding additional functionality to its new social media platform. One of the latest features to be introduced is the Ignore Option, a function which hence the name, allows users to ignore others by limiting what they see in...

Facebook’s New Platform: “They Know Everything Now”
Spotify users are angry about the new requirement to register their Facebook profiles, especially since Rdio and MOG have not added this requirement (yet). It seems mystifying at first: why would Spotify risk alienating their users in this way? Until we take a 30,000 foot view of the situation. Rhapsody, the music streaming service that...

Privatize social networking with Glassboard
Glassboard, an iPhone application from Sepia Labs, is everything that Facebook or Twitter is not. The only similarity is that like Facebook and Twitter, Glassboard is a social media tool. The main idea behind Glassboard is privacy. While Facebook and Twitter are configured to host frantic socializing which many times can breach privacy, Glassboard users...

How to approach different cultures via Social Media
The phenomenon of social media is constantly growing, and any digital marketer worth their salt knows that it’s a valuable medium for promoting brands, services, and products. Another well-established fact is that social media is now almost completely globalized — every country with internet access now has significant audiences on one social network or another....

What are the Social Marketing Implications of Google Integrating Offers and Wallet into Google+?
Not too many observers were shocked when learning that Google would be integrating many of its existing product with Google+, the social networking platform that has taken the world by storm without even officially being on the market. There has already been talk of integration with the company’s popular webmail client Gmail and advertising program...

E-Commerce with a Conscience
As readers to this blog now, I’ve often written about greentopics, and have strong opinions on integrity and ethics. As a blogger who writes about marketing (Read Green marketing and the art of social entrepreneurship) I found the discovery of ethicalocean.com to be quite inspiring. What is Ethical Ocean all about? Ethical Ocean is not...

The Future of Computing: Cloudy with a chance of showers
“Of more than 2,000 CIOs surveyed by Gartner recently, 43% of them predicted that the majority of their IT infrastructure will run on cloud technologies within the next four years.” —From Forbes Magazine, May 23rd.
Because of its high levels of convenience and efficiency, cloud computing is poised to be the major form of data storage...

Twiends Review: How buying Facebook fans ruins social proof
I popped over to Twiends the other day at the recommendation of my good blogging friend Suresh who recently wrote an article "The Secret of how I got a custom facebook URL in under 15 minutes". His post inspired me to check out Twiends yet again, though I'd heard of the service a long...

Being Successful on Twitter without Automating Everything
Contrary to what is constantly pushed on us there is a way to be successful on twitter without using any automation or paying for any tools. In this article I'm going to share the methods and free tools I use to manage my twitter account. I've never paid for any tools that I...