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Posts tagged "privacy"
Educational HTML5 Site Reveals The History of Security

Educational HTML5 Site Reveals The History of Security

Infographics and instructographics are both great ways to present information in an engaging and educational manner, but some of them are starting to feel like old news. Sure, they can be a great marketing piece for your business and tend to garner likes and upvotes on social media, but now companies are starting to go...
Tips for Protecting Your Privacy Online

Tips for Protecting Your Privacy Online

The Internet has become the premier place to share information and interact with other people in recent years. While getting online can be entertaining and fun, it can also lead to major privacy issues. If you aren’t careful, you could be putting your private information into the wrong hands. Because of the risks that come...
IP-Echelon gathering intel on YOU and YOUR web activities

IP-Echelon gathering intel on YOU and YOUR web activities

The four bolded words in their header image are monitor, report, educate and protect. The words that I think are of interest to most internet users are in the first phrase "we monitor internet piracy", obviously in order to monitor internet piracy one must monitor both legal and illegal transfers of data and then...

How To Use Facebook Lists to Control Your Privacy

This post will teach you how to use facebook lists to control your privacy! I've been using facebook for years, primarily to connect with friends and family, but I recently decided to expand my facebook account to include online friends, and work colleagues and acquaintances. The reason I'd in the past hesitated on...
Twitter Guide: Do You Tweet More Than You Should?

Twitter Guide: Do You Tweet More Than You Should?

If you tell the world something new about yourself every time you tweet then the world will soon know more than you would like.

No more farmville or other facebook game spam. Ever!

Rarely does a week goes by that one of my facebook friends doesn't end up posting a status update that goes something like this "if anyone sends me any more farmville crap I'm going to burn your crops and kill your animals" (That's an excerpt from a real status update I saw the other day!)...