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Author Archive

Getting Back in the Blogging Flow

The past month has been a hectic one for myself, and culminated in a physical move to a new (and much better) house for me and my family. Some of my faithful info carnivore readers may have noticed a decline in my web presence and published articles to the blog. I hope you...
The importance of being recognized globally

The importance of being recognized globally

gravatar recognized globally on info carnivoreDo you want to be recognized wherever you go on the web? I hope your answer is yes. Some people on the web just seem to be everywhere! It's amazing, how you can go from one site to the next and somehow the same face keeps popping up at you....

IBM ‘Watson’ Super Computer takes on Jeopardy

Can a computer beat Jeopardy grand champions at the complex trivia game? We are about to find out. In 2007 IBM Research began creating Watson, a data analytics and natural language processing computer, with the goal to have Watson compete on Jeopardy. When asked “Why Jeopardy”, IBM’s response is clear and concise, “The game of...
Info Carnivore Review: TOP 10 of 2010

Info Carnivore Review: TOP 10 of 2010

info carnivore review top 10 of 2010May 2010 saw the birth of info carnivore. Originally launched as 'information carnivore' a blog full of random information, it soon evolved into an information security blog, and shortly after that developed into what it is today. (Read a little more about developing a niche blog.) A...
An Interview with the Founder of Blog Engage

An Interview with the Founder of Blog Engage

Brian Belfitt (Bet you didn't know that was his last name!) is the founder of Blog Engage one of the premiere social networks for bloggers on the web. He recently took time out of his busy schedule to answer some interview questions for info carnivore.
Blokube Review: A Social Network for bloggers & marketers

Blokube Review: A Social Network for bloggers & marketers

are you on blokube? Review: Info CarnivoreAre you on Blokube yet? Blokube is a relatively new social network that has been designed to serve bloggers and internet marketers. Though social networks have been popping up all over the place in the last few years, I find myself strangely drawn to the blokube community. ...
Google's 2011 Official Stance on PageRank

Google’s 2011 Official Stance on PageRank

I previously discussed the rumor, "is google ditching page rank?" on this blog, and it was met with a lot of response. Many comments revealed that google has been updating toolbar Page Rank incrementally throughout the past year and that numerous sites have seen a PR increase. Though the updates had now been...
The End of Twitter? What will happen to twitter in 2011?

The End of Twitter? What will happen to twitter in 2011?

Twitter the sensational social network could be on the verge of destroying itself, could the end of twitter be near? I don’t often write bold prediction posts, but my experience with twitter over the past while has led me to suspect that unless something dramatic is done users could begin to abandon the social network...
Amazing i7 Hackintosh Build Video

Amazing i7 Hackintosh Build Video

Are you familiar with the term hackintosh yet? Basically a hackintosh is a "hacking" project that runs the Mac OS X operating system on non-Apple PC with x86 architecture and x86-64 compatible processors. This became possible soon after the June 2005 Worldwide Developers Conference announcement that Apple would be transitioning its...
Is Follow Friday dead?

Is Follow Friday dead?

Is Follow Friday dead? Is the twitter phenom #FollowFriday worth you time and energy? Do you spend time each and every Friday compiling a list of those tweeps you love and want to honor by giving them the friendly #FollowFriday hashtag shout out? If you don't quite know what #FollowFriday is then you may...
Moving up in the SERPs: In-Post SEO Checklist.

Moving up in the SERPs: In-Post SEO Checklist.

This article outlines the steps I take when writing an article to ensure it is search engine friendly and to guarantee better placement in the SERPs (Search engine results pages). Step two gives a bullet form SEO Checklist for optimizing your posts. I've read a lot of SEO topic articles that give in-post...
What blogging IS NOT.  When a blog is not a blog.

What blogging IS NOT. When a blog is not a blog.

Lately I've been stumbling across a lot of (relatively new) blogs, and since I've been blogging about blogging a lot of new bloggers are asking me for advice. Unfortunately I'm seeing a disturbing trend. Many new blogs are popping up (and have been for years and years), that are publishing content and calling...