With soaring gas prices, rent spikes, and food at a 9.4% increase, many Americans are struggling to stay afloat this year. To compensate, more people are trying to cut back on indulgences, opting out of unnecessary purchases and reigning in frivolous spending. If you’re one of those Americans looking to cut back, a new calculator...
As technology becomes more intelligent and complex, we may find ourselves watching old sci-fi movies and seeing parallels between our current technology and fictitious technology. We may gaze into the future, unsure of what to expect, but confident that technology will keep evolving and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Virtual reality, self-driving cars,...
The haves and have nots — a concept not new to society one bit. A concept that aided in modern day elitism and allowed many people to fall amongst dividing lines. In 2022, it’s no secret how tax brackets work and that you’re either among the some of the wealthiest, among the working class, or...
As technology has progressed, the amount of devices we tend to carry around has gone down. While we used to have a phone, CD player or MP3 player, and camera on us at any given time, we can manage to consume all of our favorite media from just our cell phones now. But that...
Out with the old and in with the new. Technology has advanced more than some of us could have ever imagined. Gone are the days of those chunky box TVs and dial-up internet that we remember from our childhoods. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I used a DVD player! While technology...
Aug 25, 2021 •
From paper straws to reusable grocery bags, we’ve seen efforts ramp up across the U.S. to try and become more eco-friendly. It’s been shown that even the slightest lifestyle changes can go a long way to help our planet. But just how willing are Americans to adjust their everyday habits? Turbohaul, a bulk trash and...
Are you ready to change cities and wondering where you’d thrive the most at your age? Here’s where you should move to next. From dating, to buying a home, to exploring new job opportunities, at every age people are tackling new milestones in their lives. But does where you live really matter when it comes...
Retirement is something that we’re told to prepare for early in life. But let’s be honest, it’s not something we all have on our minds daily. From choosing when to start saving, how to save, and even planning on where you want to retire, it’s hard to make a decision that’s going to impact you...
A new analysis was just released that ranked the best and worst cities for single parents looking to date. To rank the cities they looked at multiple factors like single people as a percentage of the overall population, single-parent households, cost of living, cost of a dinner for two, and much more. The city that...
Receiving a new job offer is no small accomplishment. No matter what the position is and whether it’s your ‘dream job’ or not, it’s certainly something worth celebrating. But after you’ve given yourself sufficient time to soak it all in, you have to face the reality of deciding if it’s truly the right fit for...
A New Study Shows that Growth in MBA Degree Holders is Greatest in Rural States A new study reveals that in states like New Hampshire, Utah and Wyoming, the percentage growth in the average number of MBA graduates between 2011 and 2017 is as high as 93.5%. The statistics are part of the survey’s wider...
Good news for you if you can’t keep it together over the latest gaming console, or if you have to have the latest release of your tech gadgets. There have been so many different technology releases this year, it’s hard to focus on which ones were most exciting. Especially since almost anything was exciting if...